Montreal cop invents new law on the spot to ticket carpooling mom

Street kids in Indonesia used to present themselves as ‘jockeys’ to get around carpooling laws. You’d pay a kid to be your passenger so you could go in the express lane.


Or if they’re all drunk.

We could have Officer Friendly having to breathalyze all the passengers in the car to discover if there’s at least one who’s sober and could legally be driving a different vehicle.


Does the extra person need to be in the the passenger area of the car, or does the trunk count? I’m asking for a friend.


I guess that Fascism is Lawful-Evil in theory and Chaotic-Evil in practice.

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Describe in single words only the good things which come in to your mind about… your Mother?


Not sure if the law states this but they have to have a pulse and at least some respiration.


Having a drivers license doesn’t mean that you are saving a car on the road though.

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A taxi does reduce traffic. Because, unlike a commuter, it makes more than two trips a day.
Which is why a lot of cities have dedicated lines that are shared by public transport and buses.

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Duh. The mounties always track you down!


The irony of it all is that being able to admit you’ve made a mistake goes a long way towards earning respect.

That’s clearly another part of the problem, creating a mind set that is differentiating between “civilians” and “the force” or “officers” or whatever.

The army I served in had the concept that a soldier is “a citizen in uniform”; nothing more, nothing less.

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via Imgflip Meme Generator


Damn it, why do all the good comments get deleted??? That’s 2x on this thread.

Cop making up shit on the spot to cover his anger? Color me shocked.


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That and the fundamental racism are the two core problems of policing in America. I’m not sure if they’re soluble by anything less tearing it down to the ground and rebuilding

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Having done enough traffic school during my lifetime to nearly have tenure - cops are wrong about basic traffic laws surprisingly often. Don’t fight about it - be polite, sign your ticket, and do the research, and do go to court if they were mistaken. If the cop doesn’t show (which is often) - they’ll dismiss it. If they do show and are wrong - they’ll dismiss it. This is the US, and I am an older white male - YMMV.

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Reduces parking requirements maybe, not traffic. Other trips during the day are not relevant to whether this trip right now is reducing traffic right now.

It’s one car less on the road for each trip the taxi makes. Because the taxi is already there. So, overall, less cars on the road at any given time = reduction.

Not in theory.

Because that would be to reveal what they are.

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C’est Quebec. On n’a pas besoin de nazis de grammaire; il y a l’Office de la Langue Francaise.