Originally published at: Mouse is easily the most adorable first-person shooter of all time | Boing Boing
This looks cool. I’m looking forward to seeing the environments getting rendered, too. Between this and Bolter, it appears that FPS are getting fun again.
I’m sure another mouse’s lawyers are going over everything here with a fine-toothed comb.
Eh - I love old school animation, but this doesn’t look like it has much of it. The characters aren’t really moving a lot and all the animations look the same. But hey, it is a teaser so maybe the final product will be better.
Reminds me of ZPC, a Doom clone shooter that got its artwork from BRUTE!/Adian Hughes, including some cool cut scenes. It also had an industrial soundtrack, (I forget who did it. I think they had ties to Ministry).
I got it, because of course. But once the novelty of the art style wore off, it was a fairly blase game.
I wouldn’t call a trailer this raw “easily the most adorable”. It’s a novel use of rubber hose animation sure, but the skin of an fps is less important than it’s level design.
Looks like Doom got reskinned by 1930’s cartoons. Make the mouse Steamboat Willy and enjoy Disney foaming at the mouth now that he’s in the public domain.
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