Musings on politics, sports, and transgender issues

No, Blue or Bust. I intend to vote for any candidate who gains the nomination.

First, we ARE already fucked. The stakes we’re playing for make that clear.

100 million Americans didn’t vote in the 2016 Election. Is every one of them a Trump voter? No. Is every one of them a transphobic, sexist mysogynist? No. THOSE people, if given a good reason, will help a Democratic candidate win, but those humans won’t give a shit if it’s Biden or some other drone.

If you think people aren’t saying critical things about Sanders, a brief perusal of the Atlantic and the NYT will disabuse you of that illusion.

And, again: Oh, Sanders isn’t the best candidate on trans rights? Then who is? Out of Biden, Warren, Klonbuchar, Sanders?

Choose wisely.