JD Vance joins JK Rowling in Olympic anti-trans bigotry

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/08/02/jd-vance-joins-jk-rowling-in-olympic-anti-trans-bigotry.html


Can’t read the post because of some bug or other, but here’s an actual woman boxer’s take on it:


Everybody has a plan until she gets a punch in the mouth. As they say.

No shame in calling a halt to a boxing match, as a woman or a man, including if that boxer had been beaten by multiple women before. She would absolutely murder me if I was in the ring with her and I’d have to call it off.


Click the link, citizen. The show full post thing has been broken for days.


Somehow, they can’t seem to take the actual lesson from this, which trans people (and others) have always pointed out: sex and/or gender is NOT binary nor straightforward.


That’s the Irish Reddit, and it would not load for me (in the U.S.). Changed my VPN to Ireland and it worked a charm.


Well, JD Vance, JK Rowling and PS Morgan say this is a clear outrage, then I know where I stand.

Vance’s hand’s look smaller and more orange than I would expect. Is Trump hiding behind him, doing that old arm trick?


This shit isn’t weird, it’s fucked up.
It’s been spilling over to Katie Ledecky and Ilona Maher from the women’s rugby team who has been getting crap online since the start of the olympics (and before, but it’s ramped up this year) because of her looks.


If they acknowledge that intersex people exist then their whole bioessentialist argument falls apart. They may or may not actually understand the science but they absolutely must not admit they understand under any circumstances.


i don’t believe for a second any of them think it through to that extent. i think they’re just being weird.


Also, everyone who is at all competitive in boxing knows that they risk get severely beaten by someone who is slightly better or a little luckier than them. Every second of every match. It’s like wanting to be an Olympic skier, but not liking cold weather. If that’s the case, maybe that’s not the sport for you.

That said, any sport that involves shocks to the head is problematic, for anyone. The (US based) factory that mainly churns out head injury in exchange for team owners and college coaches getting rich is football.

To only be concerned about this one case because it allows you to attack trans women demonstrates you just like attacking trans women and nothing else.


Sure it’s possible but let’s not rush to give them the benefit of the doubt that they’re just ignorant AF instead of deliberately malicious.



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That’s bold to assume it’s either/or.

I propose it is BOTH ignorant AF and deliberately malicious!


Deliberately ignorant, too.


I’ve started push back on people posting shit on FB.

Like, Jesus Christ, fucking just google the person first.

This anti-trans shit is going to affect way more “butch” or “masculine” looking cis women than trans people, because there are so many more of them out there. :confused:


In case others can’t read the Irish Reddit, the most important point to me was that the Algerian boxer has lost to women quite a few times. She’s not magically more powerful than other women, just competitive and on the day came to win.


weirdly malicious? sure.

Just by sheer numbers, yes. I’m always hesitant to use that argument though because it shouldn’t have to negatively effect cis people for us to care about it. Harm to trans people is enough reason.

That said of course it’s all part of the same patriarchal shit sandwich. Assholes like Vance are 100% okay with the splash damage of their anti-trans rhetoric piling additional pressure onto cis women to perform “traditional” (western hetero) femininity harder.


Thanks and sorry. Yes, the point was an actual boxer said no biggie. She is who she is and she doesn’t have any unfair advantage. She wasn’t the Irish boxer who knocked her out of the last Olympics but obviously would have a lot more knowledge of women’s boxing, sport, competition, the rules, and what it feels like to get hit in the face by a trained athlete, than any billionaire shite talker. And she has a friend and colleague who beat her last time out.


OH, I 100% agree with that. But too many people don’t care about something unless it directly affects them. Like some Republicans having a gay kid or grand kid suddenly are less homophobic.

The more and more cis gendered women who get caught up in the crossfire of this culture war, the more right wing/Republican women (like Laura Ingraham) will get made targets too. Which may or may not wake some people up that the hysteria and witch hunts are bad.

We are seeing it with these olympics where other athletes are being accused of being trans by these fucking goons who “cAn AlWaYs TeLl”.

Exactly. I don’t know a ton about boxing, but that woman from Italy completely dropped her guard. She was outclassed and instead of taking the L, is trying to say it isn’t fair. :confused: