My DIY Peloton bike: An ongoing journey

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Recently I decided to abandon Spotify when I realized that iCloud, which I was already paying for cloud storage on, would actually save me money by buying the entire Apple One bundle, which has access to News, Music and Fitness. I’ve been using the Fitness app at the gym, and even though I don’t have an Apple Watch, it still generates data for my Health app. I’ve been very happy with a service that is essentially free.


I keep meaning to try “Fitness+” and see if I can just walk away from Peloton, but I am also “used to” the instructors, classes and pace – and I do regularly get on the bike so I am afraid to make changes. Maybe just as the subscription comes due I’ll try.


I just have a bike and use it to get around the city. I’ll be hopping on it in a few minutes once I leave the cafe I’ve been working at. Might stop at the grocery store on the way home. Or the pet shop, now that I think about it we discussed needing some cat litter this morning and I could easily haul a box of that home in the milk crate tethered to the tiny rack that came with my bike. Having a stationary bike just seems absurd to me.

I also don’t live in a place built for cars, all the distances in New Orleans are pretty human-scale. You didn’t scrub the geolocation data so I can see that your place in Muir Beach is super hostile to bicycle commutes, I don’t see anything that looks like a store anywhere near the winding road you’re at the end of - looks like you gotta drive like 5 miles to the nearest city for a grocery? Nice view but damn that must be a pain in the ass.


I left there years ago. It was beautiful, cold, wet, and over-isolated. I ride an e-bike around Venice now. New Orleans drivers would scare me. Here, I barely share a road with cars and always have a bike path. LA isn’t great, but it is getting actively better.


I am so much fatter since working from home. I’m even tempted to go back to the office to get 2 half hour bike rides a weekday as extra exercise, but I don’t know if I could take the horror of every weekday in there :confused:


Not sure if this is what you mean, but Fitness+ has an entire array of workout types (strength, cardio, HIIT, yoga, etc.) including cycling. I really like a couple of the instructors and one of the reasons I’ve always avoided classes is because of the hyper macho barking that most instructors seem to lean on. I’m a big fan of Bakari’s classes; he’s just a joyful, lovely guy who is also capable of pushing me without making me want to stab him. Plus, he just did a Daft Punk retrospective class which was awesome.

Me too until we moved to a new house on a cliff and I lost my direct access to the rail trail. I’d much prefer to be out in the open, but the resistance is more reliable for getting a proper workout in. At this point I’m just trying to buy my body time so I can have as much life with my future grandkids as possible. Because:

The true meaning of COVID-19


I am not willing to take cycling seriously enough to get the kind of workout I get at home on the spin bike. It’s much safer and a better workout here. I ride my bike to the market or to meet friends.


I bought mine in 2015. Very similar setup, I’ve replaced pedals and that’s it. I use “Cyclemeter” on my iPhone for tracking and cycling programs and have been very happy.

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I’m curious which YouTube classes you like. I don’t care for Apple Fitness + setup (no filtering within broad categories).

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