Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/06/17/mysterious-building-discovered-at-planned-site-of-new-airport-in-greece.html
Let’s hope they delay the airport long enough to dig for a half bull half man skeleton (“labyrinth!” “maze!” “labyrinth!” “maze!”)
does it happen to have a very complex series of corridors inside the structure?
It might have been an important piece of civic architecture, central to the lives of a people we know almost nothing about. Then again, it could have been a strip club.
Translation: “Fucked if we know. ”
Even for that famous confession of ignorance, that’s an impressive amount of added equivocation. “may have … periodically … possibly… perhaps …”.
In other words, an early Greek fraternity
The ancient Greeks called that a Symposium.
That is a large structure for such an ancient time period.
Am I missing a source link?
That is the problem in ancient countries like Greece or Italy. You can´t build anywhere without finding something historycal. The new subway in Thessaloniki, for example, was delayed for years due to archeological finds.
Is that a device for knitting gloves?
Funny how that’s phrased to make it sound alien and unknowable when it’s a literal description of many church services these days.
Are you suggesting strip clubs aren’t important pieces of civic architecture?
Clearly the Minoans beat them to erecting a radar station at the site.
I’m pretty sure the people who built ancient structures like this would look at modern humans and think WE were the aliens.
People keep saying that sort of thing, but not once has a UFO turned up to take me back to my home planet.
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