Mystery man dumped more than 100 live eels into lake in Brooklyn, New York park

I also came here for this.

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Weird indeed.

But awesome creatures all the same.



Ok, if we’re talking about that species let’s not forget,
When you swim in a creek
and an eel bites your cheek,
that’s a Moray.



Someone dumping eels you say?


If I’m remembering right, eel farming is rather unhelpful from a conservation perspective because(not sure if it’s simply not understood how, or uneconomic for the moment) it consists of captive rearing wild-caught ‘glass eel’ juveniles, which put a giant target on wild populations of those, rather than being able to fertilize and hatch eggs in captivity.

A lot of aquaculture is kind of a dirty business once you get down to the disease control methods and massive requirements for input protein; but when you have to hunt the juveniles out of the wild and are just fattening them up onsite it’s pretty much just a fishery that explicitly targets pre-reproductive age individuals.


If i’m remebering it right that’s been a major pressure on Europe. American eel farming has not taken off in part because of that, and my impression is it’s attemptong to go the other way. Similar on tuna farming, no one has yet gotten Tuna to breed in captivity without hormone implants. So most of the farmed tuna out there are wild caught young fish raised to size.

This tends to have a much larger impact on populations than taking larger older fish. Since the fish involved haven’t bred once, to replace themselves. It cuts the bottom out of potential population growth.

US mariculture efforts seem to be focused very heavily on research and breeding efforts at the moment . At least in many states.

One word… “Snakehead”…

I doubt this guy was valiantly trying to save garbage bags full of eels as much as that was his cover story for trying to establish his own private eel fishery.


This may have been a Buddhist attempting to do a life release, not realizing some very important facts… please research animals you want to release

Came here for this, leaving satisfied!

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