NASA enlisted a priest and other theologians to consider religious reactions to extraterrestrials

Of course people have converted religions over the centuries. But I think it’s safe to say that most people who start out with one religion don’t easily convert to another.

As for many humans converting to an alien religion, I don’t think that would happen, either, at least not on any significant scale. No to mention that any announcement of extra-terrestrial life would almost certainly not include any details of those aliens’ religion.

Ok, so if atheists are no better or worse than theists, why doesn’t NASA want to consult them, too? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying they should. I’m asking, if they are consulting religious leaders, why not consult non-religious leaders? After all, aliens would affect us all.

This has nothing to do with Christianity, or religions trying to convert others. I was asking whether religious leaders might be concerned that atheists, when confronted with proof of extraterrestrial life, would suddenly convert to Earth-based religion.