Nate Silver doesn't like Bernie's chances

Oh, the election where 96,000 mostly independent Floridians voted for Nader and 200,000 registered Democrats in Florida voted for Bush?

What was your point again?


How many Florida Dems voted for Bush, anyway? Or didn’t bother to vote? How many votes did Nader take from Bush?

What if Gore had campaigned better, and/or picked a not shite VP?

Didn’t SCOTUS and Jebby steal that election anyway?

It’s ridiculous to blame someone for running and getting votes. That’s what democracy is!


When Hillary Clinton was senator, she voted 97% exactly the same as Sanders.

Just sayin’

Also find it hilarious that folks are complaining about the “lack of change” in the Dem party when what’s this? These same folks DIDN’T VOTE in 2010 OR in 2014. With this current House and Senate, how does Bernie expect to do anything? Please Bernie folks, enlighten everyone. Thanks

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That’s a pretty narrow scope to look through when considering what kind of president either would be.

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Edited my comment after you wrote, my point is that everyone claims that Hillary is SOOO Right, when in fact 97% in her legislative run, she was the same as Bernie.

Please explain with the current House and Senate, how does Bernie expect to get any of his campaign claims across? Also, are you Bernie only fans, going to vote in 2018 unlike when you DIDN’T vote in 2014?


Okay. Responding to the latter bit then, I’m complaining and I’ve voted in every election since 1990.


Do you find that this stance encourages people to vote for your preferred candidate?


I honestly believe you, but look at MOST of “Bernie only” folks, do you honestly believe most of them voted in 2014? I don’t, and the #'s prove it.

No, I’m just a realist. Again, like I’ve asked every other “Bernie only” person, explain how without a friendly legislative (like we have now), how will Bernie make good on his claims?

The gall of Nader, for not being a Democrat… apparently. The DNC needs to get it through its thick skull that leftists in this country do not automatically owe them a vote if they’re not going to represent their interests. There’s this weird assumption that because you’re on the left in some way, that Clinton or Gore or Kerry is somehow necessarily compatible with your values. I’ve said it before, and I’ll keep saying it until people understand: I. Am not. A Democrat. I don’t owe the party shit. I don’t share Clinton’s values any more than I do Trump’s. I have my own values, and believe it or not Bernie’s don’t exactly line up with mine. I’m not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good, I just have minimum standards that Clinton fails to meet.

I’m not donating a sixth of my shitty almost non-income to Sanders because I’m a fucking nihilist and I don’t care who wins. I care very deeply who wins. You think I want a Trump presidency? The Arab guy with Muslim family? I don’t. But my conscience doesn’t see a difference between someone who has no qualms about war crimes, and someone who’s already been complicit in them. At least the left and others will oppose Trump’s brutality. Clinton masks it behind the smiling face of liberalism. I think on some level it’s really easy for people who don’t pay much attention to what’s going on in the world to think of the Obama administration and Clinton’s secretaryship as being largely benign. They haven’t been. That’s just foreign policy. Do you want me to go through Clinton’s cozy ties to industry and my utter lack of amusement about this as someone who works a shitty job? I think there are people who are comfortable with the status quo because it doesn’t affect them, and those people understand the least why someone wouldn’t vote for the lesser of two evils. As if it makes a difference to me the color of the boot that is stamping on a human face forever.

Most votes are boring. Where it counted, she voted extremely poorly. At best, she changes her mind a lot when it’s clear that her positions make her less electable against Sanders. Look at the people who contribute to her campaign. You have to be extremely naive to think it doesn’t affect where her loyalties lie.

I’ve voted in every election since I was eighteen, and that was over a decade ago now. I don’t know what you’re on about. Unless you’re arguing that a lot of Bernie supporters are too young to have voted in the past election. If that’s the case, so?


Again, I have no way to know if you are truth in your words “I voted every time” or not. That said, the #s show everything. Non presidential election turn outs are lower, ESPECIALLY for the left. So while YOU may have voted, most of your other “Bernie Only” friends DIDN’T.

How will any Democrat? Do you really think the GOP will be more accomodating to Clinton?

We need a President with a better slogan than “no we can’t, not yet, let’s not be overambitious”, but yes, we also need a Senate and Congress to back them up. And, as @Ryuthrowsstuff notes, the census year of 2020 is particularly important for that.

I don’t like mid-terms, I think they’re a stupid idea.

FWIW - I’ve voted in every election I’ve been eligible for, and will continue to do so.


Yes I do. I think her experience and as “Bernie only” and Trump fans love to say: “Establishment” helps her tremendously.

You honestly think Bernie really could do better? Really?

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Ok, I’ll play. Bernie has about the same chance Obama, Hillary, or any Democratic leader would have with this obstructionist Republican-dominated Congress. But that having been said, there are two more things to consider. One, Bernie has a history of working across the aisle to get things done, earning grudging praise from McCain and others for doing so. Two, Bernie has demonstrated he will fight tooth-and-nail, year after year, to achieve his goals. Contrast that with Hillary, whose talk of “being pragmatic” makes me wonder if she’s not laying groundwork to say, “well shucks, we tried, the meanie Republicans won’t let us, let’s move on to something else.”


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