Navalny body seen to be "bruised on head and chest" at morgue

Originally published at:


I suspected no less.

Initially I read this as, “whoever he died from.” Which looks just as appropriate.


His poor mother. Rest in Power, Alexei.


Slightly sad tangential (apologies), but the orange blob has finally managed some blathered response supposedly on the topic of Navalny’s assassination, and lo, it’s such a cognitive trump classic. It amounts to: Navalny’s murder somehow(?) reminds trump of stuff trump wants to shout his hate about. one source

"The sudden death of Alexei Navalny has made me more and more aware of what is happening in our Country,” “It is a slow, steady progression, with CROOKED, Radical Left Politicians, Prosecutors, and Judges leading us down a path to destruction. Open Borders, Rigged Elections, and Grossly Unfair Courtroom Decisions are DESTROYING AMERICA”

and one supposes his minions cheered. ((@#$!!))

By the bye, recently trump’s lawyers declared in a court of law that ‘the president’ should be allowed to murder his opponents; whhy that almost perfectly anticipated what putin has just done, surprise surprise


“A spokesperson for the Russian government stated yesterday that initial investigations had revealed that Alexei Navalny was drunk and playing with a live grenade when he died. A journalist observed that this was the same cause of death given for former Wagner group founder Yevgeny Prigozhin, and invited him to comment on the apparent coincidence. The spokesperson excused himself, and explained that he must have inadvertently picked up the wrong report when leaving his office. He quickly corrected himself to say that the former opposition leader had been shot by known Chechen criminals, then corrected himself again to say that Navalny had fallen from several windows, been rushed to hospital, and had subsequently fallen out of a different window. The spokesperson, shuffling papers furiously, then proposed several other possible causes of death, including traffic accident, chronic athlete’s foot, and decapitation by helicopter, before finally blaming the death on Ukrainian sea drones. The enemy vessels, the spokesman said, had navigated up the icebound Ob River, then been lifted up by a freak storm surge and carried overland for approximately forty miles before exploding against the prison wall adjacent to Navalny’s cell. The spokesman assured those present that the Russian state would take vigorous action to punish those responsible for this cowardly attack on a detained person.”


So… assuming he wasn’t just beaten to death, he was poisoned? (Again?) Seems like there’s little incentive for the Putin regime to actually put any effort into making it seem like he somehow died of natural causes, because there’s the threat involved to any opposition in obviously murdering him, plus making clearly false claims (and having others go along with it) is an authoritarian power move, where the more absurd the claims are, the better (“Oh he died by having his head cut off? He did it to himself, with a pocket knife.”)


I want to be clear as daylight that Putin and his regime are 100% responsible for Navalny’s death. In the interest of fairness, chest compressions can absolutely cause a ton of damage. If someone did try to resuscitate him, it’s not unlikely that he would have suffered broken ribs in the process. It’s quite common. Head bruises? I got nothing. There’s no reason his head should have endured significant trauma.

Obviously, we will probably never know for sure what happened. An independent autopsy might get us a bit closer to the truth. But the fact remains that he is dead as a direct result of Putin’s actions.

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… they tried to revive his brain through the skull :ambulance:

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