Nazi podcasters who called for Prince Harry’s death are going to prison

Never seen a supremist (not a typo) that is a superior example of humanity. They’re all invariably quite the opposite.

Gee, I wonder why?


When I try to imagine someone the Nazis would probably present as an ideal physical specimen of the Aryan race I think of Dolph Lundgren circa 1985.

And who did this chiseled blonde Swedish Adonis consider his idea of physical perfection in the mid-1980s? His girlfriend Grace Freakin’ Jones.


That's just the truth


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most extreme example is most extreme and quite the exception :wink:

I’m surprised at their lack of solidarity with their fellow Gingers.

edited for the sake of it.

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ah. sorry, sometimes Im a bit slow (no, seriously, I didnt get it the first time). apologies.

I’m glad the post was flagged so I didn’t have to see whatever prompted such an apology. I don’t need anything like that in my life right now, thanks.

Maybe read things a couple times before creating what could be an apology-inducing reply? I don’t know how TF I could have made my position clearer for all to see.

wasnt something bad or making a fuss, but could be misunderstood as maga-propaganda I guess? thats the apology for and because I replied to your post with it, your the one who gets the apology.

e/ flagged as off-topic? sure, whatever, thats fine.

Going to prison. What happens when one threatens one of the Royals – a group that via related tourism accounts for ~5% of the UK’s GDP.

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Citation very needed.

Because as we all know, France’s royal palaces of the Louvre and Versailles have no visitors whatsoever, since the ascent of the republic.


I used to hear of 10%, but 5% was making the rounds from what I accidentally came across a few years ago. Here’s what I got on my first hit in my search for a citation:

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