Originally published at: Nebraska Governor slams reporter for being Chinese after she outed him | Boing Boing
Right, “communist” China.
Hey, that’s the brand.
Because people who emigrate from dictatorships are never trying to escape the dictatorship, right?
A desperate, craven response from a desperate, craven man-child.
He seems nice.
“KFAB” is the best call sign for a radio station ever - if it’s rock n roll. Sounds like it’s fascist talk though.
Well, he knows his voters. Those likely to vote for him won’t care about his racist remarks, but might care about his — literally — toxic farm.
Those who will vote against him have yet another reason…
“Number one, I didn’t read it. And I won’t,”
Something tells me that he wouldn’t have embraced the report and its findings if it had been written by a ‘real American’ either. The “well, she’s a Commie [insert racial slur]” is just a gratuitous extra little bit of nastiness.
What more do we need to know, governor? Well, we’d like to hear a bit more about your polluting hog-farms. And thanks to the Streisand effect, I think we just might.
I have to say, that’s a great name for an american immigrant.
It’s like they can’t wrap their heads around someone wanting to come to America AND become part of the free press might have left because of China’s policies and isn’t a communist. (Not that China is really communist any more, its mostly a form of capitalism, albeit one where the government still controls a lot of how the market works.)
If it’s more like pinyin spelling it’d be pronounced more like “Yen-Chee,” and if it follows more common but less formal patterns of transliteration, more like “Yon-Chee” (like how Wang ~ Wong), but I’d be lying if I said Daddy Yankee didn’t pop into my head when I first read her name, which is ironic, as Puerto Rico is literally part of the United States but Puerto Ricans on the mainland are still treated like immigrants by racists.
Would be an amazing name for a pro wrestling talk station
lol, as a fellow Nebraskan, trust me, his likely voters don’t give a crap about a toxic farm. A good chunk of them live on one just as toxic. They barely care about anything beyond the cost of fertilizer.
Probably how he got voted in, by spreading loads of free manure at every campaign event.
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