Originally published at: Need emergency breathable air? Light an oxygen candle, but beware, it's hot! | Boing Boing
Also what supplies emergency oxygen to the drop-down masks on a plane.
Sadly I didn’t see any of these for sale in the BoingBoing shop. Are they coming soon? Definitely something I want to get for my mutant backpack.
What if I’m just low on salt?
Of course in a sealed environment, excess CO2 will kill you before a lack of oxygen.
…or combined with the heat, oxygen to cause emergencies.
Also in a mine you also have to worry about superfine airborne particulates igniting and exploding. So having an oxygen candle might be lifesaving, there’s a potential danger that it could cause an explosion
SmarterEveryDay did a video on Submarines, and they have something very similar to this onboard! (video forwarded to start of clip)
Apollo carried these as well, just in case. But as @simonize said, excess CO2 will kill you long before insufficient oxygen will. Apollo also carried a lot of spare scrubbers for the this reason (though famously, not all the same size )
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