March 4, 2019, 7:29pm
Keep this link around for the next time you see the zombie “But how can we possibly pay for Single-Payer/Medicare-for-All/Basic Human Decency” meme barfed up in a healthcare thread.
To put this meme in its proper context, and not what the right-wing echo chamber’s corporate taint-lickers have twisted it into:
Pelosi was responding to the absurd criticisms of the ACA that had absolutely zero basis in reality when she said that once the bill was passed, people would have the ability to see what was actually in it, as opposed to the “pull the plug on grandma”, “gubmint’s gonna take away your Medicare” fearmongering that Republicans had spent the previous 2 years fomenting. S…
Runner up:
That’s their premiums revenue, not even counting copays, coinsurance, or the expenses they don’t cover.
ETA: Dammit, and having to argue this again and again makes me numb to some of the salient points. FFS, the $3.5T is SPENT by PEOPLE ALREADY. You’re playing 3-card Monty with health care expenditures. Everyone in the chain, from insurers to doctors to hospitals are getting paid, and many are for-profit. Even if there is ZERO improvement in efficiency, the money is already there. It’s already…