Neil DeGrasse Tyson accused of rape and sexual harassment by 4 women



*that you know of


Well maybe I’m not human then. I got into science because it’s fascinating, not because some celebrity on TV was banging on about it. This hero worship consistently leads us down bad paths. It also contributes to the “great man” myth where we look to give the credit for scientific discoveries to lone individuals (surprise, surprise, they’re nearly always men), rather than acknowledging that science is a massive community effort where every discovery is based on on the work of huge number of people collecting data, improving scientific instruments, running experiments, reviewing and replicating each others work, and on and on and on.

Science does not need hero myths.


Also hosts Pacifica’s exploration;

(shameless plug for KPFA since it is their winter fund drive)

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Not a council of despair at all. Being in a position of authority (or power) does not require you to be an asshole. I am a business owner with many, mostly female, employees. I do not harass them, sexually or otherwise, not because I am some kind of saint (I am not, just ask my wife) but because to do so is wrong and I choose to not be an asshole. There are lots of people, mostly but not exclusively men, whose egos lead them to believe that whatever power they have gives them the right to be assholes. It is my firmly held opinion that such happenings are not a result of irresistible attraction, but feeling that your power enables you to take what you want. Therefore, it is not about sex, but about power.

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I take it “social science” isn’t your field if you think role models and representation are inconsequential concepts.

There’s a difference between uncritical hero worship and acknowledging the reality that role models serve an important role in society.


Lin-Manuel Miranda
Meb Keflezighi
Dick Van Dyke
Colin Kaepernick

So it’s not “power” as such but the insecure and egotistical desires that abuse it. Totally agree.

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