Neil Gaiman's Trigger Warning anthology on sale for $2 as a Kindle edition

The List is serious business.


I got the BB story on this book 5 minutes ago. This is the price with my US comp in the middle of the US:

Yes, I’m getting the same price in the US as well. Wonder if this was just temporary mistake and not an actual promo.

I’m thinking this sale was yesterday. Untimely arrival, for me, of time-sensitive info.

Yup, was posted earlier, I bought for 1.99$USD, sale is now over.

Amazon sales are often for one or two days. I see this all of the time on science fiction news blogs.

It is 23:27 in Colorado and when I go to the site I am offered the Kindle edition for $11.99. What happened to $1.99 price for today?

It was two days ago.

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