Netflix 'Squid Game' players say they suffered nerve damage, threaten to sue

Originally published at: Squid Game players got nerve damage

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So if I’m following this right, Netflix sought to make a reality show that had non-dangerous versions of games from a fictional show that turned real-life children’s games into a deadly competition.

But surprisingly, the safe-versions-of-deadly-versions-of-safe-versions of games turned out to be unsafe!

This whole situation is just meta to the point of being stupid.


Some things should probably just stay fictional.


Coming soon on Netflix, the exciting new game show called “Torment Nexus”!


Netflix here is really missing the point of their own property :roll_eyes:




Of course, here it’s the producers of Don’t Create the Torment Nexus who decided to create the Torment Nexus.


Slightly snarky review of the show.


If you’re queasy, The Challenge is easier to stomach — blood is replaced by black ink packs that explode behind the shirts of eliminated players.

Squib Game.


Stephen Lambert, a fellow executive producer at the company, told the outlet that while he acknowledged there were challenging moments during the show, “We’re giving away the largest prize in TV competition history. It wasn’t going to be a walk in the park to win $4.56 million.”

Well, Stephen. Maybe you should undergo a beatdown just to get your paycheck, eh?

I don’t think you’d feel the same with the shoe on the other foot.


I thought Floor Is Lava was a really fun show, even though it’s not based on an actual volcanic burning death mass tragedy. But that’s just me!


Ok, so last night, I decided to watch at least the first episode to see what the fuss is. It’s actually not awful. It’s a little over-dramatized, but hey…that’s reality competition tv. The games, though, are pretty well designed. The contestants are all equipped with ink packs on their chests underneath their shirts, so when one gets eliminated, that ink pack is remotely “detonated”, and they fall over like they’ve been shot. They started with red light, green light, just like in the series, and it was surprisingly watchable. The honeycomb candy challenge, however, is where they really designed the game well. First, they had everyone self divide into four groups and line up. Then they took the first person in each line into a separate room, and those four shapes from the series were on the wall, so they knew what was coming. But then these four contestants were told that they had 2 minutes to all agree on who was taking which shape. The decision had to be unanimous. They failed to agree, because of course no one wanted the umbrella. Then they were told that because they failed to reach an agreement, all four were eliminated. The rest of the contestants watched this on live video. So then they took the next in each line, and gave them the same task, but now they all realized that if someone didn’t take the umbrella, all four would be eliminated. And still, no one took the umbrella. It was an interesting example of game theory at work. The third group contained the “bully” of the competition, and someone portrayed as a “mama’s boy,” which I could have done without, but whatever. So, predictably, the bully convinced that guy to pick the umbrella in exchange for a promise to help him with the task of cutting out the honeycomb candy. Then they found out one of the rules was no contestant could help another one. The umbrella group, predictably, was decimated by the challenge, with only a handful of them being successful.

Anyway, that’s as far as I’ve gotten. It’s better than I expected, and I kind of think maybe this story about the lawsuit over injuries is a bit of marketing, because I was actually unaware of this show until I saw this story. I feel a little bad that the marketing worked, but it’s actually not a horrible show. I’ve seen worse reality tv. Not that that’s a high bar, of course.


I read an essay that pointed out that it likely was all the waiting around in very cold environments that caused the problems. The red light green light game took over six hours to film, for example. The essay writer basically makes it sound like they intentionally broke their honeycomb so they could be done after hours filming that game.


Yeah, I can imagine. You can kind of tell in the red light, green light game that a lot of time passed while they were in red light even though it’s presented as if it was only a short time. One woman stopped in a squatted position for some reason at one point, and apparently they were stopped for so long that she finally just had to give up and sit down because she couldn’t hold the squat any longer.


The magic of film and TV!


Most things meta are woefully stupid. Using meta in a clever way is apparently very hard, or writers are particularly bad at it.


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