New EU rules would ban under-16s from social media

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Soā€¦ now the kids will have a choice between

  1. lying about their age, and
  2. just clicking the little checkbox that says ā€œI am Bobbyā€™s parent and I approve of thisā€?

Iā€™m not sure how this is supposed to be enforceable.


With responsible parenting?

With responsible parenting, these changes are unnecessary.

Without it, theyā€™re easily bypassed.

Iā€™m not seeing the point.


Or option 3. use social media that is beyond the purview of EU regulation.

Thankfully kids donā€™t have proven track records of intuitive understanding of new tech so getting around such restriction are going to be really hard so thereā€™s absolutely nothing to worry about the EU once again spending millions on some pointless ā€˜something must be doneā€™ lawmakingā€¦


I know how to drive, but donā€™t know if others really know how to or if they are just faking it. An extra layer of responsability, in terms of having an actual adult responding to a ruling should elicit a better parenting to either control kids access to social media OR simply ban it to avoid fines or jail time. No one needs more social media anyways.

I donā€™t get the applicability of that statement to this situation.

I guess I just donā€™t think that you can legislate better parenting. Raising awareness of the risks online, so that the parents who want to be better parents can do so: that is a tactic I think could work. Saying: ā€œNo Social Media Under 16: ITā€™S THE LAWā€ is probably going to have about the same effect that it has on cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, internet porn, M-rated video games, pirated TV shows, etc., etcā€¦


What I meant is that we cannot warrant there are good parents ā€œout thereā€, just like good citizens, good guys with guns, etc. So, laws.

But the original premise was that this is going to be basically unenforceable, and so in reality will simply be making kids criminals for doing things that we know theyā€™re going to do.

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So, parents wonā€™t make the effort to educate and kids will make anything to break any rule. Then thereā€™s nothing to do. Fine.

Spreading awareness of the possible issues might work. Asking parents to have regular conversations about social media with their kids might work. Offering classes in social media awareness and risks might work.

In other words, telling people, ā€œYOU MUST NOTā€ is not a tactic that works very well with teenagers. On the other hand, actually communicating with them is something that often will work.

However, no law can force a parent who does not want to have this kind of difficult conversation with their kids to do so.

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The kids will learn the useful skills how to lie to the institutions and corporations and how to skirt government-imposed rules.

Let them teach themselves when theyā€™re young.


If we catch a kid lying about their age weā€™ll just put them in prison for 10 years. That will solve the problem.


Will Smith gettin slap?

Best thing on BB all day!

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  1. Actually, you can warrant that most parents out there are good enough. Most parents try very hard to be good enough parents, they / we struggle and sometimes fail but mostly we are doing ok.
    E.g. Most of us manage to teach our kids how to cross the road safely, and in most cases, unless an irresponsible driver messes up our kids grow up unhurt in spite the killer road machines in our midst. And crossing the road still presents a far greater risk for kidsā€™s safety than the interweb. Just saying.

  2. Maybe, if you could convince me that there is a generally and widely accepted standard for ā€œgood parentsā€ just as there is for good drivers (itā€™s legislated for) or good guy with the gun (the one who doesnā€™t initiate a killing), then this might be a worthwhile argument, but given that we all have very different ideas of good parenting (aside from the criminal kind of parenting, which is legislated against) then I could accept that legislating to better manage bad parents could be a good / workable idea.

If it actually kept kids off the internet, Iā€™d be ok with this. Or maybe sequester them in a McDonalds Playland version of the internet, so they can wallow in their own piss encrusted ball pit and not bother the rest of society.

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social media is for the mental level of a 13 year old anyway. i get why they want it, why adults bother with it is what baffles me.


Well, Iā€™ve been teaching my kids to always lie on the internet anyway, so this changes nothing.


I propose a law that you canā€™t use a social networking site unless when asked for your age you type in ā€œNone of your fucking business.ā€


How, exactly, would you propose enforcing this law? Iā€™m genuinely curious.

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