New Hampshire State legislature votes on a bill to override all federal gun legislation

Which means the constitution is meaningless. That the rights afford by said constitution can’t be enforced. Which means we’re ALL fucked. REAL rights. Like my right to not be a fucking incubator. Like the right of POC to be treated as full citizens.


This is precisely what most states that have leagalized marijuana or have established sanctuary cities do with regards to federal “oversight.” The marijuana laws and sanctuary city laws ban state and lower municipalities from enforcing federal marijuana laws and prohibit aiding federal investigations.

Except the former are about preserving humanity, and the other is about the right to murder with impunity. But sure. Same diff, I guess. /s


This is where I get confused, and clearly, IANAL, but didn’t CA pass stricter statewide emissions standards for vehicles and then get told by the Fed’s that wasn’t within their “state”s rights?”

And I realize wherever there is a deep-pocketed industry that will benefit, the law will often go in their favor, but I can’t figure a logical legal core to take from these examples.


they were given a special waiver in the clean air act because la’s smog was so bad. they were the only state allowed to do so and that lasted from the seventies ( i think ) until the orange administration removed the exemption … that might be what you’re remembering?

biden just finished reversing that decision in march, and expanded things to allow other states to set their own tighter restrictions as well


That’s good news! Thanks for the update.


After the now-deleted exchange here, I’m wondering if the legislature passed this measure because the “free state” Libertarian geniuses in NH still don’t know how to address their bear problem.


The constitution is meaningless if the federal government can’t make states enforce the fugitive slave act. That was good money the slaves paid for their property.

(/s for the clueless)


It sure is good that I’ve been repeatedly assured that ‘virtue signaling’ is only for liberal snowflakes; or I might have mistaken passing laws that will either die on contact with the supremacy clause or (in the unlikely event of their survival) turn the state into the place where BATF goes to buff up their numbers for virtue signaling. That would have been a shame.


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