New Hugo Award categories for puppies

:+1: I saw that, and I appreciate it.

I am all for handling people with style and grace (and having fun), but I donā€™t want BBS to become a gladitorial arena for combat, even if we are on the right side.

(And seriously, some of these sci-fi writers referenced above are horrible people, based on some of the things they have published. Awful. Embarrassing. Indefensible. I am literally sorry I clicked through to read about them.)


I am all for handling people with style and grace (and having fun), but I donā€™t want BBS to become a gladitorial arena for combat, even if we are on the right side.

I donā€™t think itā€™s at any risk of becoming that at all. Consider what sort of threads attract these particular kind of trollies. Look at how many comments this discussion alone has garnered, compared to other sorts of topics being discussed here, and also the number of obvious and possible trollies compared to other threads. Iā€™d like to see THAT sort of data.

Any thread having to do with feminism and any thread specifically having to do with GamerGate and, now, this stupid Puppies bullshit, gets a lot of comments, and I would be willing to bet way more driving trollies than most other subjects here. The same goes for issues having to do with race (such as the Baltimore riots). Thatā€™s also of course going to get a lot of attention.

But the subjects of GamerGate and Puppies stuff specifically have trollies completely dedicated to seeking out threads having to do with those subjects and then driving trollies them. Just as this Hugo Award shit-show was planned, so are many of these driving trollies sprees They hang out in their own (terrible) forums, and on reddit and 4chan etc. These arenā€™t just random trollies with individual motives, like most other trollies you might see.

Thereā€™s a reason they tend to happen in waves, and when one goes another almost immediately follows. I am always suspicious when two noobs come in only a few hours within the same day in the same or related threads

This happens over at PZ Myerā€™s blog all the time with slymepitters.

Also, Anti-choicers have been known to infiltrate blogs and online communities with their own brand of driving trollies.

Do you note a pattern? I do.

(And seriously, some of these sci-fi writers referenced above are horrible people, based on some of the things they have published. Awful. Embarrassing. Indefensible. I am literally sorry I clicked through to read about them.)

And some of them have actual fucking influence. And fans. Who trolley threads just like these. Iā€™m pretty sure this is what @chenille was alluding to in her reply to you in the trolley thread.

Itā€™s a festering wound, @codinghorror, and festering wounds donā€™t just heal if you ignore them. They get worse. Until your entire leg rots and falls off.


Oh and this sort of thing is totally exhausting and wears ya down, doesnā€™t it? Imagine being a woman on the internet. Heck, Iā€™ve had to deal with PUA behavior in meatspace. More than once. Even in spaces I felt comfortable being in (I lived in Phoenix a long timeā€¦ and ASU has a big fratty culture).

Totally sucks, huh? Yeah. Been dealinā€™ with this sort of behavior a long time (all my life). It totally does.


Yes. And then thereā€™s the time when you have enough data and can free the resources (time, instruments, lab space, assistantsā€¦) for better use.

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Your wording makes it sound like you donā€™t think trollish comments which are grossly misogynistic hurt everyoneā€¦itā€™s only when people on the thread are inconvenienced by reading the rebuttals that the forumā€™s environment is being ā€œdestroyedā€.

Historically, women have been taught not to defend themselves. Now weā€™re fighting back. Yes, it makes things a little messy on threads sometimes. But itā€™s our blood, after all.



Waitā€¦just now? Not years before?

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Of course for years beforeā€¦ I just love that gif! Felicia Day, FTW!


She is the best.

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