New principal resigns after high school student newspaper challenges credentials

Their alleged email address is:

Are they even trying?


I’d still argue that within the industry, a forestry degree from Newton Rigg would be more welcomed than one from Oxford, irrespective of the ‘all-subjects’ institutional ranking. The mere fact of being able to claim an Oxbridge degree counts for a lot, of course!

A less stark example might be comparing Cambridge and Manchester: 1st and 25th overall, according to the CUG, but if you’re working in graphene, you’d want the Manchester graduate.

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A lot of the time an Oxbridge degree is not about what you know but who you know. There are plenty of people who have gone on to be successful after getting a third at either university.

To be honest I think the University of Cumbria Penrith campus has less prestige since it stopped being Newton Rigg college.

I expect to see the district implement a stringent process requiring a “responsible” faculty member or admin official to approve future stories

The story’s hit the New York Times now, and I’ve learned that Kansas is one of 10 states where state law gives student publications editorial independence. They’re an interesting mix politically- from Massachusetts to Arkansas!


This heard by me many years ago while a still wet-behind-the-ears engineer, a conversation between two upper level managers:

Tom. Who would you rather hire on? The straight A student who seems ‘okay’ about possibly working here, or the B student who has a monster hard-on for working in the company.
John. You want the one with the monster hard-on.
Tom. Agreed.


Yes, they’re trying. They could have gone with


Yep. And S.Martin’s College threw away a well-established name for teacher and nurse training when it became ‘University of Cumbria Lancaster campus’. A bit of a rebranding failure, in several respects.

Not that Lancaster’s even in Cumbria, anyway. :wink:

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No, funnily enough! My alert for academic fraud spotted it.


Some more gems:

One of Corllins U.'s Facebook photos from 2012 showing bright shiny students from their “School of Medicine”:


These students looks remarkably like those studying for a Health Care MBA at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center:

The original Bloomberg link was no longer available and not on the web., however, provided the above photo [with only the thumbnail of the smiling students]. Corlinns evidently rifled photos produced in 2008 for their 2012 Facebook post: they almost certainly used the Bloomberg article itself (also published in 2012) for their plagiarism.
[Credit: ]

And, if you actually click to apply to Corlinns, they freely admit their “diploma mill” features:


Possibly academic, in this case. Trump would pardon them; their capitalistic creativity must be rewarded.

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