Originally published at: New scientific paper explains how to retrieve energy from a black hole, using magnets | Boing Boing
So this sort of analogous to Hawking radiation – instead of the particle pair production occurring just outside the event horizon results in a single particle escaping, it occurs during magnetic reconnection events.
That being said, if there’s a plasma torus around a black hole, mechanical energy is already being extracted from its rotation through the field interaction, as the same magnetic braking mechanism here applies.
so this how our solar systems ends with Vogons collecting matter to fill their intergalactic portable black hole as a means of energy capture.
Way to piss off the Type V civilisation living inside it.
A feature of the McAndrew Chronicles science fiction stories by Charles Sheffield (who was a mathematical physicist) is something like this.
Really… magnets again!?
I’m so tired these days, I could sure use some of that sweet sweet black hole juice. Hook me up!
Good for flexibility, too!
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