New trailer for James Gunn and John Cena's Peacemaker is a bloody delight

Originally published at: New trailer for James Gunn and John Cena's Peacemaker is a bloody delight | Boing Boing


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I don’t usually read RT, but this review of the Suicide Squad was just hilarious. Talk about missing the point of a movie:


I get the impression that the military folks who sponsored the movie may have also missed the point.

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Do you have any good source that this movie did get military support? RT is obviously not reliable.

Lots of movies do get support from DoD, and DoD even get to change the script to their liking, but I tried to search and couldn’d find anything for The Suicide Squad.

Just going off what the RT article said.

Yeah, nah.

Dont think I’ll ever be able to think of John Cena without connecting to this…


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