Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/02/14/trailer-for-stranger-things-4.html
I had a feeling he’d gotten flung to Russia instead of atomized, based on the post-credits scene at the end of season 3. But it’s good to have it confirmed, I guess.
I dunno how much more gas they’ll be able to wring out of this idea, but I’m definitely along for the ride. Season 3 was still a lot of fun.
Yeah, it seemed like the only interpretation (or at least the most likely one), but I guess they felt it necessary to make that explicit.
Billy? That’d be something.
[Don’t need to watch trailer, it was made pretty plain in the closing scenes in the last episode of ST 3.]
I was legitimately angry that they managed to make me feel bad for Billy at the very very end. Jerks.
Agreed. I was equally angry they made Max super emotional about her abusive step-brother.
Wait, was that the only trailer? I saw him appear in Russian in an earlier trailer as a super hero
I have to say, I was a bit bored by ST 3.
Season 1 was so awesome because of the Upsidedown. The idea that there existed this parallel world where Will was trapped, that intersected our world through limited ways like the flashing lights and telephone.
Season 3 was just a monster flick. It was all just standard b-movie slimy things, with 3x the ironic “this is an 80s movie!!1” added in.
That was the most unsurprising surprise reveal ever. It was super telegraphed at the end of season 3.
To each their own. I think each season stands pretty well on its own and are equally good. The only thing I hated about season 3 was how they devolved Hooper from “flawed, broken man with deep wells of compassion for these kids” to “super yelling daddy’o with an extra dose of misogyny tossed in.”
But season 3 overcame that with one single scene. Yeah, that scene. You know the one.
“I want to hear it.”
I’m amused by how the workers aren’t actually hitting the spikes.
The fact that I don’t think that the train tracks are the correct gauge to be Soviet ones probably says more about me than the show.
Is it wrong that I want them to “punk” us and make an entire season about Hooper in a Russian prison camp, completely leaving out the rest of the cast?
Different show reference here but, there was a scene in the Jack Ryan series where he is supposed to be in a Maryland crab shack eating Maryland blue crabs (because, duh) and low and behold there are West Coast Dungeness crabs on the table.
Haven’t even read the link or the comments yet:
Of course Hopper didn’t die.
The writers want to keep the nostalgia train going, and a well loved character almost never dies in most iconic 80’s films.
Guess who didn’t die
Those that are hitting the spikes kind of bat at them and they slide in suspiciously easily.
Perhaps he’s in an Upsidedown Russia. Unlike the American Upsidedown, which is all dark floaty spores and tendrils, Upsidedown Russia just as a evilly twisted Department of Standardization.
You aren’t alone, at least. I can’t get past the fact they’re using entirely the wrong dogs.
for a SPLIT second i thought, “omg, maybe it’s Bob Newby!” because i already assumed my beloved Hop would be back.