New York Times writer is shocked to see how much a social trust scoring system knows about her

They have all your data already. There’s nothing you can do to stop them. There’s little you could do to mitigate the constant stream of data they’re collecting on you.

Write your congresspeople.


i dunno, irises seem kind of important if you expect to have any chance of surviving the extreme environments encountered in the australian bush? a few hours might have you gladly selling your identity for a glass of ice water and some shade. :upside_down_face:

joking aside, i hear you about being commoditized in the modern world and the lack of escape from that. makes one fantasize about some sort of escape. might i recommend a nice tropical island beach with all your features intact? :desert_island:


I really like a short story I read where holding personal identifying data and such was illegal and there was an organization whose task it was to nuke sites suspected of being datacenters storing such information.


Indeed. In the US that is not gonna happen. “What’s good for business is good for the country. The government shouldn’t be interfering with business. We have too many regulations as it is!” And etc.

The only thing that gives me hope is the immaturity of the tech needed to sort through it and predict something meaningful to marketers. Where is that article about promoting an ethical oath for programmers?

Sift Must be getting slammed, no reply in 24 hours.

We know what @Papasan tells us he’s doing right now, but they know what he’s really doing.

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You mean…?

(insert Fry Shocked, Not Shocked gif)


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