News about Covid-19 should be illegal, tweets Trump



I’d argue that fascism is a modern phenomenon. They might have taken influence from the Roman Empire or the Egyptian kingdoms, but they weren’t fascist.

I’d argue that for a couple of reasons, such as fascists were appealing to modern categories of identity (based on race, national identity, ethnicity, etc) that just weren’t around in the past. Fascists were also responding to real weaknesses in the modern capitalist system that very much made people far more vulnerable to economic collapse than in previous generations (no longer any sense of collective well-being and mutual obligations). I’d also say that fascism had new tools and greater reach than previous types of governments as a result of modern mass society. While central bureaucratic states came out of antiquity, and had some level of control over people’s lives, especially in urban centers, the further away you get from those centers, the more lose that control was (the Ottomans were generally pretty damn effective at controlling the edges of their empire in an effective way, but primarily due to, like the Romans, giving out some autonomy and safety in return for loyalty). Modern fascist governments (and left-wing authoritarian governments like Stalin’s and Mao’s) had far more sway and control over the farther reaches of their empires that previous ones could only dream about. Pharaoh’s control was far less secure the further away you moved from the cities of ancient Egypt.

But all that rigid control made fascist governments far more fragile and susceptible to challenges. Even the most brutal regime still needs some buy in to function. It also needs to not be suicidally arrogant about it’s chances of retaining power. If I take some comfort from history on this topic, it’s that truly controlling and brutal regimes based on high levels of violence and suppression of some “other” tends to not have a long shelf life. If a regime does not embrace some sort of inclusion and autonomy for the people living within it’s borders, it is not long for the world.


Pots and kettles come to mind here, not to mention the mere problem of the most egotistic, narcissistic and downright thoroughly nasty bit of work in American politics - EVER! I do wonder sometimes whether the great orange wonder is actually right in the head. People who vote for him are also certainly suspect. It’s high time he was deposed.

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Why can’t it be both?

I’m not on a high horse, I am well aware of what it took for Europe to finally achieve a little bit of peace and collaboration (the two most murderous and destructive wars in the history of mankind), and that even this foundation is showing some cracks again already.

I am not confident the US will be able to learn similarly tough lessons without major turmoil.

Sure, let’s.

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Shush man. I’m sure that his button is TOTALLY functional and not fake at all.

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