Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/04/04/trump-on-coronavirus-there.html
‘“Who ever heard of 180 million masks?”,’ Trump asked of the urgent face mask requests by FEMA and HHS.
There will be death? New York is going to be hit really hard? These things are already true - and have been true for a while now.
Is… is Donald Trump literally living in the past? It would explain a lot about the Trump administration, but in particular his coronavirus response, and why he’s always behind everyone else in responding to it and recognizing the seriousness of it. It could even explain why he blamed Obama for inadequate tests for something that didn’t exist while Obama was in office. Trump just assumes Obama must be a time traveler as well…
tweet storm reporting
He’s kind of like Daniel Day-Lewis’ Character from There Will be Blood except without the business acumen and ability to effect a public simulacra of basic humanity for minutes at a time.
State’s rights? Right?
NY, CA: we’ll pay our federal taxes once we’re done paying to fix this mess. Good luck Dakowhyombraska.
Gulf states: Ummm…hurricane season is coming…we’re going to need a lot of help…
Missamasoribaba: Uh, the flood water is already here, and the rivers are already rising…
Trump: NY and CA are making ridiculous demands! All states should get the same supplies!
Unhinged Trump coronavirus briefing
The title begs to be a series.
Hasn’t Trump always existed in a mid-late 80’s sleaze capitalist time loop? Roughly Robocop, but as a state of mind rather than a strict point in time.
Someone please end this nightmare
make it stop
make it stop please
make him shut the fuck up forever PLEASE
The virus I can deal with, but this man’s stupidity and neverending shit waterfall of a mouth I cannot
I mean, I thought it was obvious that he’s been completely disconnected from reality for years now.
simulacra. this is my current theory. trump died sometime back in the early days of his campaign, and was hastily replaced by a robot created by the disney imagineering team for a new goofy golf themed resort getaway.
his slurring speech are the result of bad programming. and as @Shuck says, he is living in the past because it takes weeks to crunch the data and form new* talking points.
( *it was originally trained with the same andrew jackson speeches used for the robot in the hall of presidents. so racist and out of touch by default. )
The Orange Plague is going to get a lot of people killed, and the covid19 virus will too.
“There is a lot of noticeable slurring today.”
c’mon cholesterol, you’re our only hope!
It already is. It’s a daily occurrence now.
NY has been giving hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine like mad, it’s not making a dent.
It only works when it’s given early, by the time they need a ventilator it’s too late for many.
It’s not a miracle cure, the president is a moron and worse a non-stop liar as usual.
It is just surreal he is in charge of a nightmare like this. He makes Bush look like a genius and humanitarian with Katrina/New Orleans and invading Iraq after ignoring warnings about 9/11
What if he get re-elected after this, how the hell are we going to live with the people who make that happen.
tweet storm reporting
I really don’t get Twitter. Do people actually just watch these tweet storms instead of watching the actual briefing and think they got an unbiased retelling of the news?
The unhinged briefing is, yes. Hence my comment.
So he is sending the army in to kill people?
I think the fucker is largely unintelligible when he speaks. I find the summaries to be useful.