Originally published at: NFT sales are down 92% since last year's peak | Boing Boing
They lose half their value once you drive them off the lot.
How’s bit-con, I mean coin doing?
Never heard of them.
That’s the only reason to buy them given that ownership of an NFT has no bearing whatsoever on how one can enjoy the art itself.
At least tulip bulbs look like they might be delicious if properly cooked. Apes? Not so much
Only 92%?
Not good enough!
Who could have guessed that NFT stood for Nonsensical Financial Transaction all along?
That’s a shame
“I will trade all my rare NFTs for one loaf of bread.”
You’re being way too generous
Cue next week’s headline about NFT’s being up 192%. Get in now while the market is low!!
No Fucking Thanks.
I would offer him this rare beanie baby for it.
So people aren’t buying nothing anymore? That must mean they’re buying everything!
It’s a deal you can’t refuse. You can purchase nothing, and hope someone else wants to buy nothing from you later on.
HODL! Diamond hands! Or something.