Nine freakishly frightening films you've probably never heard of

Because since the killed of newt and higgs its never been the same…

Thou not seen the new one, even with its inclusion of scouse accents…


If her partner is a big horror fan, he’s most likely seen pretty much everything on that list. But then again, who knows? Sometimes someone feels like they’ve seen everything and they’ve never heard of something like Next of Kin, other times they’re like “Pffft! Of COURSE I’ve seen that. Recommend me something actually obscure.” I think it’s all relative to the people around you and how extensive their viewing is.

Using number of IMDb votes as a metric, here are some I think are good but underseen:
All is Normal
The Hatred (2018)
Flexing with Monty
The Strings
Jack Be Nimble
The Long Walk
Wolf’s Hole

Great list. And in particular I love God Told Me To. It’s one of those movies I like more each time I watch it. I’m sure you’ve seen Q: The Winged Serpent. They’re both a lot of fun but I give the edge to God Told Me To just for how audacious and how many directions it goes in.


Yeah, God Told Me To is pretty out there. I think I’ve only seen one thing on your list, so thanks for the recommendations. I saw Q when it came out. o.0
So, it’s been awhile.


Oh, out of that list I’ve only seen Night watch and Day watch. And I haven’t heard of your other ones.

The books are also good but only the first two. Twilight watch is not great and Last watch was awful.


Caught Society on the telebox one late night when i was far too young. :anguished:
Saw it again a few years ago and it is still a special kind of disturbing.

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I saw Black Sheep and almost completely forgot it.

The main thing I remember is that they really play up the were-sheep body horror in the trailer, and of course it barely factors into the movie for longer than two minutes. I guess some would say that’s part of the charm.

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It’s great, imo, right up to the stupid CGI ending. A bar of light, C. S. Lewis-style would have been so much more effective than that cheesy, cartoon thing.

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Is Goodnight Mommy too well-known to make the list? Kill List?

There are some really scary movies out there if you’re crazy enough to go and look for them.


I think some people simply find the main topic of the film so gross that this is horror for them to watch. What can I say, as a vegetarian, I find that a bit odd. I enjoyed the film, and watched it several times. Compared to Bone Tomahawk (also recommended, but well known), which is similar in topic and setting, it’s a lot less serious and lighter in mood.

No idea why, but Ravenous reminds me of the 13th Warrior. But TIL many other people don’t seem to like that one and it has abysmal ratings.

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13th Warrior is somewhat an uneven movie, the last 3rd of the movie (from what i recall) just seemed to rush things along and i was kind of bummed out that the enemy faction was mostly an off screen threat so by the time they show up it felt a bit disconnected. That said i really loved the conceit of the movie and it’s a pretty badass and interesting premise, i think it’s worth watching.


“ἡγεμόνα ου ζητέομεν. Βασιλέα ου ζητέομεν.”
“Nostra rex? In tabernaculo est. Non loquatur. … Non loquatur qui mortuus est!”

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