Nine freakishly frightening films you've probably never heard of

Originally published at: Nine freakishly frightening films you've probably never heard of - Boing Boing


I don’t remember my opinion on A Dark Song, so I must not have been blown away.

Pontypool is a must watch, though!


I’ve seen Ravenous and Black Sheep.

Ravenous is a phenomenal thriller. It does have some elements that could’ve been executed better but overall it is one of my all time fave movies.

Black Sheep is a fun, gory, schlocky b-horror. Not sure i would recommend it to just anyone, but if they happen to like campy horror then Black Sheep is about as good as it gets.


One Cut of The Dead is funny, not scary.


+1 for Pontypool, Society, Ravenous, Black Sheep and One Cut Of The Dead.


If you want to recommend massively pretentious shite then Begotten is the way to go.

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Black Sheep is the one I’ve seen as well. I remember enjoying it.

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… to which somebody commented, “That’s my annual Thanksgiving movie!”


Black sheep was pretty funny. Chris Farley was amazing.

Oh wait.


Well, I’d recommend ‘Parents’ because it gets under your skin. I still watch it occasionally. Got in trouble once for recommending it to my roommates as a comedy. Since I first watched it, Randy Quaid has gone from being a cult actor to… hmmmm


I’ve heard of Ravenous, but I’ve seen none of these, and it’s going to stay that way. I swore off horror movies after watching Ringu. That movie made me realize that I just really do not enjoy being scared by a film.

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Pretentious, maybe. But you can’t deny this nightmarish segment they managed to produce. We’ve used it on loop in the past at a haunted attraction I work at. It’s definitely disturbing.


Huh, I’ve seen five of them, and they were all pretty good. Most were pretty straightforward genre films, ultimately, except: A Dark Song, which has a slow build-up of dread and kept me guessing about how it would play out to the end. One Cut of the Dead cleverly shifts genres - starting out as horror, quickly switching to meta-horror, then halfway through doing an abrupt genre change that would perhaps be spoilery to mention, but which is hilarious.

“It Follows” is a movie I’d put in this company, though I suppose it’s bigger budget and better-known.


… I saw “Ravenous” when it came out

The most disturbing horror film I’ve seen recently was “His House,” wherein ghosts are the least of the protagonists’ problems :grimacing:


For horror films that take a left turn and keep going, I recommend Shadows of the Dead.

A young couple is on their way to a weekend at a secluded cabin in the woods, when the man is bitten by a zombie. He becomes a zombie and bites his girlfriend, who also becomes a zombie.

The next hour and a half is them discussing how this affects their relationship.


Ravenous isn’t horror per se, on wikipedia it’s labeled a horror comedy which i also don’t entirely agree with though it does have some moments of humor peppered here and there. To me it’s closer to a thriller, but if its not your jam that’s ok too


I’ve seen Ravenous, One Cut of the Dead, and Society.

And I’m actually in the middle of rewatching Ponytpool with my partner who hadn’t seen it.

I think I’d previously heard of three of the others I hadn’t seen.

I am particularly into weird horror though.


Ok, I’ll play this game. Let’s review the task:

“My boyfriend has watched almost every single horror movie in existence, I want to wow him with a spooky. What’s your incredibly niche but terrifying watch?”

Now: Let’s get niche-y!

  • Taxidermia
  • The Cremator
  • God Told Me To
  • No Blade of Grass
  • Violence Voyager
  • Woman Chasing the Butterfly of Death
  • Birdboy: The Forgotten Children
  • Nightwatch (and) Daywatch

And as a bonus, I’d suggest the wonderful documentary, Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched: A History of Folk Horror, which I think is still available on Kanopy.

(and if you’re feeling particularly flush, there’s an astounding box set)


That Ravenous has a lot of famous people in for a film i have never heard of, but then i suppose i am more sci-fi than horror.

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