No, Fukushima is not killing off massive quantities of sea life near California

Boing Boing does have an argument. For me, its like letting the drunk driver who killed your kid off the hook because, well, the kid was riding his bike on the street and you know what, every year kids on bikes are killed by (sober) drivers. For me, looks like its time to start some serious treatment therapies. So I did some research, and there are two popular remedies that I found.

Cesium and strontium were the dangerous isotopes released in quantity. Pectin-based radiation therapy was researched and developed by EU to treat Chernobyl victims. is the product the EU developed, based on pectin. They have a patent pending process to bind to and remove heavy metals and isotopes and replenish minerals and vitamins. The result: 63% of cesium removed according to independent studies in the Swiss Medical Journal.

Sodium alginate looks good for removing Strontium

Exactly… Thanks for saying what this article should be re-iterating. Nuclear radiation is being massively dumped into our world, and this is bad news. Nuclear radiation at these diluted levels in the ocean won’t cause sudden death, but rather slow deaths, weird mutation preventing reproduction etc… The anti-alarming tone of this article is completely mis-guided and I guess is worth what most blogs are really worth… Just another opinion… There’s no scientific discussion in any of this. Countering a non-scientific point with an opinion is not gonna takes us forward.

If it isn’t entirely the result of Fukushima, and I don’t believe Fukushima is having absolutely no effect on the ocean, then it’s global warming, pesticide and herbicide dumping, and ocean plastic degradation and man made carbon sequestration and the consequent acidification that’s killing the oceans.

In any case, regardless of the relative degree of the effects of each individual source of contamination, the combination of human activity sourced causes of ocean death our collective responsibility.

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