No-masker who intentionally coughed on brain cancer patient receives 30-day sentence

30 day solitary in a vacuum chamber?

These were my thoughts. Coughing on someone else is rude. Intentionally coughing on someone else is assault. Sure, maybe it’s a very minor assault that doesn’t normally deserve prosecution, but it’s way over the line of things that everyone ought to know are unacceptable ways to treat other people.

Which is what baffled me about the parallel UK case where there is no prosecution despite the fact it was spitting on someone and the victim actually died. I feel like spitting in someone’s face should usually be prosecuted (even if the sentence shouldn’t be community service or a small fine). Spitting on someone’s face when you ought to know that risks harming them (e.g. during a global pandemic) and then actually killing them seems like some kind of homicide charge.


30 days and a fine for an act of attempted murder. White woman privilege in action. Odds are good on the judge being an old white man.

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3h12m recording of the hearing

Sentencing at 3h4m.

$500, anger mangement, 30 days in jail, with credit for 1 day time served.


Neither is enough. Need to add some zeroes to the monetary fine; if they have the wherewithal to be members of the country club, then 5K is the cost of a weekend getaway.
Maybe seving the jailtime doing chores in the county morgue would help?
She certainly needs a soul implant/rejuvenation/whatever.


Why only 30 days in jail?

Maybe not. If Capitalist GOPers got a hold of the secret, somebody would try it on themselves and the clash of good and evil would rip a hole in the fabric of space-time.


For others in the comments, the limit was 60 days in jail. She received 30. Half of the maximum.

I watched the video of the sentencing (while doing other things, obviously >.>). It’s telling, to me, that Mrs. Hunter fails to demonstrate an understanding of how damaging her behavior was or, could have been, to Mrs. Sprague. I don’t understand what it is about Mrs. Hunter’s psyche or, mental ability, which limits her ability to relate to others. Hearing Mrs. Hunter talk about how she needed such a severe social response to her behavior to change her attitudes is quite sad.

Hunter’s private letter to Sprague is notable, I think, because Hunter thanks Sprague for what she did. I do not believe it is entirely insincere but, I see this as her intention to validate Mrs. Sprague’s choices while maintaining control over the meaning of her actions. In my own life, after making choices I which I came to regret, I have asked people if they would tell me how I hurt them because I respected them too much to tell them about what I think I’ve done to them. I would find the speculation offensive. I’m sorry that Mrs. Hunter was unable to trust herself or, Sprague enough to do this. It is a terribly lonely feeling, to separate yourself in this way from others.

I wish both Sprague and Hunter well. I hope that Hunter will seek psychiatric therapy. I believe a good person is in there. And I admire Sprague’s integrity.

She either had a terrible lawyer or she’s totally resistant to advice.


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