No turntable required! Rokblok, tiny bluetooth-enabled vinyl needle on wheels, is a wonderful disaster

You had pins? We had to use pine needles that we----No, lets not start that again!

Fun Fact: the song Needles and Pins was originally Needles and Pines but was updated to reflect evolving record technology.


I wonder if this thing could actually be made to work well if just a modicum of effort were put into making sure the stylus wasn’t exerting so much pressure.

Maybe, but the main issue would still be that it still relies on the groove to guide the unit around the record.

Vinyl records are designed to play at constant angular velocity (i.e. constant rpm), so the speed of the stylus along the groove will decrease as it gets nearer to the centre of the record.

To play the whole recording at the correct speed, the unit would also have to vary its speed according to how far it is from the centre of the record. How could it know this?


reviewed here.

you too can cringe as techmoan sacrifices a limited edition LP to the cause.

No it wouldn’t. It would have to maintain a constant velocity. A standard turntable doesn’t speed up when the stylus gets closer to the center of the record. It’s always moving at the same RPM. This is the same thing with a different frame of reference.

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Yeah, Rob included that video in the post.

The stylus will travel by one circumference of the disc every 1/45 or 1/33 minutes- this will be pi x 12" at the outside of the record, and about pi x 8" when it gets to the label. So the length of groove covered by the stylus in one revolution (and hence its velocity) is about 1.5 times greater at the ouside of the record.

Turntables have constant angular velocity (constant RPM, varying stylus speed relative to the medium);
CD players have constant linear velocity (varying RPM, constant head speed relative to the medium).


sometimes I read boingboing through the bbs-- not going to the boingboing home page each time. So that video was cut off.


I hate that. I was BBS-only for a year or two, but switched to, which works like the old 2000s main page. I can browse the headlines and see all the pics and videos that way, then click the comment links into a new tab for all the threads I want to read. Still clunky, but the least clunky I’ve been able to come up with.




Whoa! Back to my Prodigy days!


well, yeah, but no pic or videos, so back to square one of this comment chain

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You say that like it is a bad thing… You can always click through to the actual article if you want the fancy stuff.


no, no; my way is best.


Nice! Didn’t even know this thing existed, thanks!

… how do I set it to monochrome amber-on-black (or green-on-black) ?

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Duh, this is 2018 - proprietary, cloud-based, deep-data-driven, autonomous learning, self-writing, gluten free AI algorithms using blockchains. Obviously.


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