North Face boasts of defacing Wikipedia with ads (Updated with statement)

So it wasn’t an effort by the anti-Semitic ultra-Zionists? (Who are fanatically pro-Israel because it’s a required part of their Christian Cinematic Universe, make lip-noises about loving the Jews as God’s chosen people, but would happily slaughter all the Jews that won’t convert come the Second Coming. e.g. John Bolton.)

Sigh We’re going to need a bigger crazy wall.

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Leave room for Ben Shapiro and all the other right-wing fundie Jews in the U.S. and Israel who gladly accuse liberal and secular Jews of engaging in very familiar-sounding nefarious media and academic conspiracies to undermine all that is good and pure. The socialism of fools allows for a wide variety of crazy.

[apologies to all for more derail. Also, I’m stealing “Christian Cinematic Universe”]

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