North Korea plans to conduct nuclear warhead test “very soon”

Translation: “We’re starving. Send us some more food.”


They don’t need nuclear weapons for that.


True but nuclear weapons testing and firing ballistic missiles gets Japan’s wallet opened as well and US attention.


“In food news, you are full. You don’t need any more”
-Avery Jessup-Donaghy reporting for North Korean News, 30 Rock


“Excuses”? Are they being graded? Are they supposed to get an A for their Science Fair project?


Japan would like to open not their wallet, but the floodgates of aggression. There is a reason we have a lot of military bases there (because every so often they tromp on over and conquer Korea).

Problem being we like one of the Koreas, and would like to keep it intact.

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Essentially yes.

It’s an A or a labor camp.

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Ah, I see where you’re coming from. I was thinking of North Korea as a whole, rather than the NK scientists.


Japan would also kindly like the Norks to stop firing rockets over their territory, abducting their citizens, and flooding the nation with counterfeit money, guns and drugs. We have a lot of military bases in Japan because the Japanese want an excuse not to build nukes of their own or to spend too much of their national budget on defense.

I think the Japanese got over their addiction to invading the Asian mainland. At this point conflicts seem to get resolved by official apologies and writing big checks.

Problem being we like one of the Koreas, and would like to keep it intact.

It can be two things. :slight_smile:

I am not so sure, but I hope you’re right:

(At which point I’d like to distinguish between “Japan” the government, and “Japan” the people. The latter isn’t generally the one driving the invasions.)

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“Overseas military expansion” at this point is setting up refueling ships for the US Navy and taking on duties in UN peacekeeping efforts. Both of which are forbidden under the Japanese Constitution.

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In North Korea its get an A or you and your entire family gets sent to a labour camp.

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They’ve already successfully popped a couple nukes. As for missiles, even the US admits that they’ve successfully launched a couple satellites into orbit.

At issue is whether they’ve managed to managed to miniaturize their nukes to the point where they can be launched on an ICBM. And whether they’ve successfully popped a hydrogen bomb. In both cases the answer is “Probably not yet.”


They popped a couple of nukes but in an underwhelming fashion suggesting a low yield explosion. Sub-Trinity/Hiroshima level. As I stated before, A Nork nuclear accident is far more likely than them actually using a weapon.

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I’m inclined to think you’re right. And/or it’s to antagonize. Why make the threat, why not just do the test?

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Because if the test fails or is underwhelming, you have lost intimidation power. The threat of nuclear weapons is far more useful than the actuality of it. Plus its cheaper too.

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