Now that the White House is in white hands again, the fear quotient has declined precipitously amongst the racist white gun worshipping segment of the population who are the NRA’s bread and butter. If the Democrats win the next presidential election, expect NRA income to start rising again, especially if they elect another brown (or female) person to the White House.
I guess you don’t define yourself as a toaster-owner who needs to identify with other toaster-owners in defiance of the NON-TOASTER OWNING LIBTARD SNOFLAKES WHO ARE COMING TO TAKE YOUR TOASTERS AWAY BECAUSE IMMIGRANTS AND SOROS.
If the NRA thought Trump would save them, they were very wrong.
typical bread-nut Maillard overreaction.
And where, exactly, in the Constitution does it say that anyone has a right to cook bread twice, eh?
Thought not.
That’s not a toaster - that’s more of a toaster oven. Most people who don’t own toasters don’t understand the difference between high capacity toaster ovens, toasters and toasters that can accommodate aftermarket bagels.
Yep. Donations go up when gun-havers are afraid that “they’re comin’ to take our guns!” Same things with firearms and ammunition; sales go up when they think that they could be banned.
Oh dear. This thread is now going to be taken over by toastersexuals!
I might even say: this thread is toast.
(Personally, my weapon of choice is a Dualit four-slot.)
Bump bread stock toaster ovens are perfectly legal!
Given that, it would actually be better, for the NRA, if they threw money at the Democrats.
An additional reminder that per-capita comparisons of the correlation between toaster ownership and toasting activity in industrialised Western nations have no bearing on this discussion.
On this note, should I use this fellow as my new avatar?
Toast is a food of the gods, but a toaster, while convenient, is not necessary for making toast - You can also grill toast in the oven.
ETA: I know that some people actually buy toasters at stores, but I’ve never done that as you can always find a cheap (and totally unregistered) toaster in perfect working order at a yard sale.
So going to steal that in future online discussions!
Even a white male Democrat will be a good salesman for the gun industry. The NRA’s non-corporate membership feels equally threatened by Sanders or Obama, although I think HRC is scariest to them.
It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that firearms companies funnel campaign donations through some cryptically named PAC to the next Democratic candidate for president. They learned a sharp lesson last time around.
There you go. It’s started. Which side of the Atlantic do you hail from?
One grills things UNDER a grill (it is not, I emphasise, a barbecue). It may or may not be in an oven.
One roasts or bakes or stews or casseroles, etc. IN an oven.
I have no idea what broiling is.
(This is based ON (NOT off) many years of toasting experience.)
ETA: (This was brought to you by POP-UP and SPACE - Protect Our Poor Under-protected Prepositions and Society for Protection of Assorted Cooking Equipment.)
Toaster enthusiasts tend to gloss over the fact that at the time of the writing of the constitution, toasters looked like this and were a necessary tool in every household.
There is no legitimate need for a private citizen to possess a fully-automatic assault toaster like this one, which is designed to shoot out entire loaves worth of toast at the push of a button.
When I’m not out riding fences in Colorado, I help out with that at my family’s antique toasting fork restoration business in North Carolina.
In any case, toaster ovens of all types (including but not limited to high-capacity toaster ovens) are only used in 6% of toastings, while regular toasters are used in more than 80%. If you really care about breakfast, you’ll focus your efforts where they can save the most bread, and leave the toaster ovens for another day.
For that matter a recent study by the University of Toastburg suggest that more than 60 percent of the toasters used in toasting are possessed illegally by the persons using them. If the laws we already have can’t prevent breakfast, will even more laws do the trick? AND WHAT ABOUT BRUNCH?
And don’t even get me started on French Toast.