NSA whistleblower James Bamford profiles Edward Snowden

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Bamford was the first-ever NSA whistleblower, whose bravery led to the Church Commission and the unprecedented curbs on the agency’s spying powers

What? He hasn’t been prosecuted? What’s the statute of limitations?

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From the interview:

"“It’s no secret that we hack China very aggressively,” he says. “But we’ve crossed lines. We’re hacking universities and hospitals and wholly civilian infrastructure rather than actual government targets and military targets. And that’s a real concern.”

Which is exactly why a full-on nation-state war today would be a great way to get a shitload of infrastructure fucked up beyond belief, among many other terrible things. And with the Internet of Horribly Programmed Things, it’s that much easier to seriously fuck with a lot of people.


I just keep getting gobsmacked by the irony of Snowden taking refuge in the Soviet Union. Everything he revealed about our government reads like the sort of stuff we all knew was going on in Russia. Say what you will about Putin, he knows a good PR opportunity when he sees it!


Not to diminish his work in any way, but I think it is incorrect to call Bamford a “whistle-blower”. To me that word connotes someone on the inside of an organization, and to the best of my knowledge, while he has written a great deal about it, Bamford has never been employed by the NSA. Snowden is definitely a whiste-blower, but Bamford is something else.

Immunity from prosecution for testifying, how does it work, eh?

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Here in the Eastern Bloc there’s a saying that Americans are Russians with deodorant.

A superpower is a superpower is a superpower.


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