NY Times' David Brooks, forgetting how much he drank, complains of $80 burger

Could be appended to basically everything Brooks writes. He’s an absolute genius when it comes to create vague dangers that are being caused by something and Americans should be worried, but honesty no too worried. /s

edit: God. I hate him.


Right. Inflation is up under Biden. It is up everywhere. It isn’t caused by any of Bidens Policies (though I have seen reports that gov might be contributing SOME to it, it’s not the lions share.)

The main factor was post vaccine when the world started to return to “normal” demand for a lot of things shot up when there were supply issues. So actual market demands. Then you had companies capitalizing on this, by raising prices some, but then bumping things up because they knew they could do it and get away with it. EVERYONE is bumping up prices. Now is the time to do it when it won’t be “noticed”.

Soda is the example that fascinates me. They used to compete on who could have the lowest in store sale prices every other month. Now I feel lucky when I buy pop at the old “default retail price”. No one is running big sales, and the sale they have aren’t very good. They must have realized their bump in price didn’t really stop sales because while I grumble about it, I still drink a Dew a day, and so are the other people.

But none of this matters. The president and the government always get blamed even if they aren’t directly the cause or have any real power to do much. I think Biden’s administration did a decent job of reducing it, but the pain in the pocket book makes it hard to pat his back too much.


Heh what a normie lunch. 88¢ Arizona drink and an Nongshim Kimchi ramyum with a small squeeze of Heinz ketchup in it to make the flavor much richer (maybe with a leftover hard boiled egg if you’re feeling fancy). That’s more feasible for the average person these days

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I’m sure it was just a $60 tip.



There is a meme here, a la “Inflation is Tearing my Family Apart”


I’m trying to figure out what someone wants with 459 mangoes.


Okay, smart guy, you can be the one to decide who at that orphanage doesn’t get a mango.


And Brooks didn’t have a hungry kitty with him.

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Brooks was called out for this tweet tonight on the PBS Newshour broadcast (where he is a regular panelist). He fessed up (sort of) and admitted his stupid post was being out of touch and very insensitive to those not-as-well-of people to whom the effects of inflation is very real.

He said his intent was to show how people don’t notice news reports and charts/facts/figures about inflation rates…but sticker shock at the store or gas station is real, for everyone.

As Andy Warhol would say, witheringly, Brooks “has a flair for the obvious.”




This seems like a very expected tab for a dinner and drink or two at an airport concession. Come on, they’re expensive, they have to share a bunch of their money in airport fees.

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so he proved himself wrong again. nice self own mr. brooks

you’d think that the job of opinion columnists might depend on how frequently they are proven to be wrong or right :thinking:


“Secret Deodorant” ?!?

Smells like… things better not mentioned?


Thanks for the tip! I usually bung in a load of frozen veggies to bulk the noodle soup out a bit and so the flavour does tend to dilute somewhat. I’ll also try out the various other bottled sauces one by one!

So secret you can’t smell it.


He addresses this in the last couple of minutes of the segment…

I think someone mentioned this in the other thread, maybe?


did someone remember to shout “reboing”?

… really, is tweeting about drinking $60 worth of alcohol — by himself, in one sitting, at an airport — a form of political commentary or a cry for help :face_with_spiral_eyes:


He said it was a joke that fell flat… could be ret-conning on his part, of course!