NY Times spins positive economic news into anti-Biden hit piece

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/06/18/ny-times-spins-positive-economic-news-into-anti-biden-hit-piece.html


[ article posted by Ellsworth Toohey ]


I quit subscribing to that trash-heap of a paper years ago and have never looked back.



A major reason for this attitude is that Biden refuses to do an interview with them. The powers-that-be there are that petty.


It’s like the NY Time Pitchbot were actually editor in chief.


Same. The Judith Miller-enabling debacle that was the Times’ 2002-2003 Iraqi invasion coverage did it for me.


How are they going to have a horserace to cover and how are they going to attract more fascist readers if they don’t exercise editorial judgement like this?

This laboured and willful ignorance of Popper’s Paradox and smug complacency isn’t something we’re imagining.

To say that the threats of democracy are so great that the media is going to abandon its central role as a source of impartial information to help people vote — that’s essentially saying that the news media should become a propaganda arm for a single candidate, because we prefer that candidate’s agenda. It is true that Biden’s agenda is more in sync with traditional establishment parties and candidates. And we’re reporting on that and making it very clear.

It’s also true that Trump could win this election in a popular vote. Given that Trump’s not in office, it will probably be fair. And there’s a very good chance, based on our polling and other independent polling, that he will win that election in a popular vote. So there are people out there in the world who may decide, based on their democratic rights, to elect Donald Trump as president. It is not the job of the news media to prevent that from happening. It’s the job of Biden and the people around Biden to prevent that from happening.

It’s our job to cover the full range of issues that people have. At the moment, democracy is one of them. But it’s not the top one — immigration happens to be the top [of polls], and the economy and inflation is the second. Should we stop covering those things because they’re favorable to Trump and minimize them? I don’t even know how it’s supposed to work in the view of Dan Pfeiffer or the White House. We become an instrument of the Biden campaign? We turn ourselves into Xinhua News Agency or Pravda and put out a stream of stuff that’s very, very favorable to them and only write negative stories about the other side? And that would accomplish — what?



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