NYC mayor Eric Adams: "Pray for me to land the plane, cause there’s no parachutes on this plane, we’re all going down together."


I don’t live in NYC, but I live close enough that my local tv stations are NYC stations. No one is praying for him to crash the plane. Well…maybe some in the media are, but most aren’t. What everyone would like for him to do is to actually grab onto the stick and control the plane, because right now, he’s just letting it go wherever it might go.


Not sure we’d be better off with any flavor of engineer in charge, but those who are clearly incapable of understanding the complexities of municipal governance, particularly at scale, such as a cop, definitely should not be put in charge of trying to run a huge city.

There is a whole major at university for public administration. The people who emerge with degrees from that major should be more strongly considered for city council on up elected positions. Governance is not the same as running a business, and it never will be.


Yup. I hear “city” and keep forgetting that NYC, in terms of population, is larger than, roughly, 100 nation states and dependencies on the planet.

This, this, and this.
Nothing wrong with aiming to run an administration as effective and efficient as possible, nothing wrong with looking at best practices elsewhere that might be transferrable here and there, but that’s it. Anything else is doomed to fail, at great cost to the people.


I thought that was one of the Gotham City villains who said that.


That’s the sort of thing that makes sense for me to say. Maybe not the “pray to god” bit. But this is entirely because if I’m flying the plane, things have gone a whole goat herd’s worth of tits up.

If a supposedly qualified pilot said this, I’d be scared enough to possibly actually do that praying.

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“… you are now the mayor of New York City” :scream:


Maybe he should just have gone with a more nuanced take like The Lonely Island did a few years ago.


Is this being reported accurately anyway? Or did he actually say “pay”?

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Now there’s a guy who inspires confidence in his ability to lead!


I guess compared with “only I can save this country”, “only I have a chance to save this country, but I’m not quite sure I’m going to manage, so ya’ll start praying” is technically less narcissistic. Just.

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