NYT has 2 decades of Donald Trump's taxes, he's in massive debt and paid no federal income taxes for 10 of past 15 years

So people who pay taxes are losers?

I don’t think it will make any difference. Most of us suspected (or assumed) that he didn’t pay taxes, because it’s been rumored quite often, and he never pays his contractors or pay off his depts to anyone else. And, after all his “if you’ve got nothing to hide” talk, he then goes to unreasonable lengths to prevent them from being released (or from being subpoenaed in court cases), directly opposite of what has become expected of presidential candidates. So, if anything, most of us are going "really, after all that, all they show is that he was every bit the tax cheat we knew he was? no proof of high crimes, money laundering, and dept to Putin?). So, this “revelation” that he didn’t pay any tax was nothing we didn’t already know, and probably not as bad as we had expected it to be.

For the Dumpsters, they will both deny deny deny that it happened, all fake news, and simultaneously brag about what an incredibly smart guy he was for sticking it to the government. So, this will just reinforce their uncritical love of him.

[note, “Dumpsters” was the auto-correct’s suggestion, but I’ll go with it]


Yeah well the issue there wasn’t that the mustard was brown…


To work as a low-level programming contractor at the SEC, I had to get a credit and background check and a weird “meet in a parking lot instead of your house because nobody else can be present” interview by agent whoever-he-was. (think the agent guy from the movie “Frighteners”) But the most sensitive position in the country doesn’t?


Background check = security clearance.

Well no. Background check is a report on your background. Security clearance is an approval.

I’m fine with requiring background checks to be published for candidates, but not to make candidacy contingent on judgement of the investigator to allow or deny.


If Biden gets elected, I think it would be a sound business decision to seize Mar-a-Lago, Trump Tower, and other Trump properties under eminent domain (as historical properties or to sell to someone who’ll pay more in taxes on the properties, as per Kelo v. City of New London) and use the value Trump has claimed they’re worth on his taxes to determine how much they need to pay him as compensation. I imagine Jeff Bezos might be interested.


That’s the needle that moves.

Yeah, we’d be out on our asses where I work (for example, bringing a personal phone where we shouldn’t). Same with the Hatch Act: People do get punished for violating that, but generally outside of the WH, and at lower pay grades.


If you don’t want to read through the really long and densely written article, this covers the broad strokes:


I haven’t been this little surprised since I spotted coffee in my coffee cup this morning -.-


Background check is required to get a security clearance. That’s what I was trying to get across. Sorry if I wasn’t explicit.

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Bringing this video back for a hot second

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Well, the problem is always that the returns only give you part of the picture. Certainly more reporting is called for, or, you know, the IRS looking into it. The IRS hasn’t been funded to go after the wealthy for a while now though, so I won’t hold my breath.

The write offs for consulting also seem like fairly low hanging fruit too as far as potential legal consequences, but you know “ah well, nevertheless” and all that.


He’d love to release his tax returns, they’d show everything was done just right but he can’t because he’s being audited. No one has ever been treated as badly as he has, such an unfair audit, mumble mumble (deep state dog whistle) - cue sound of sad violins and orphans crying over how badly poor Donald is being treated.


Won’t convince even one cultist to leave him. They’ll…

  1. Screech “Fayk Gnuz! Fayk Gnuz!”
  2. Vomit up whatever Q crapped into their throats
  3. Say it proves he’s a smart businessman
  4. Ignore it
  5. “What about Biden’s taxes!”
  6. “Butter emails!”

That’s an awesome thought! To watch Trump’s properties turned into warehouses should tickle the jimmies of even Amazon-haters.


Arnold Harberger advocated a self assessed property tax.

If taxes are to be levied on the value of properties it is important that assessment procedures be adopted which estimate the true economic value.

The economist’s answer is simple and essentially fool-proof: allow each owner to declare the value of his own property, make the declared values public, and require that an owner sell his property to any bidder willing to pay the declared value.

This system is simple, self-enforcing, allows no scope for corruption, has negligible cost of administration, and creates incentives, in addition to those already present in the market, for each property to be put to that use in which it has the highest economic productivity.



I just wish we could send this sociopathic bastard back to Kansas… or wherever.


Incredible bombshells which will surely cost Trump the election!!!:

• trump is a bad businessman
• trump is a liar
• trump has loads of money and legally avoided taxes
• nothing about Russia, AGAIN

He cannot resign. NY State will put him away. Russian Oligarch Goon squads would never try to rush the White House. I could get into Mar-A-Lago and tag him it.

He cannot be impeached because only one Republican Senator has the balls to vote for it.

Worst of all for him if he doesn’t get re-elected he will loose his “Billionaire” status within 3 years. He owes so much money on his personal word it’s just not funny.