NYT has 2 decades of Donald Trump's taxes, he's in massive debt and paid no federal income taxes for 10 of past 15 years

Look at how low-energy his denial is. The man is fucked, he’s running out of excuses, and his dodges are becoming more erratic.


Actually not all that bad an idea, but as a constitutional amendment it needs to be worded to only refer to other institutions already mentioned, or be broad enough that it doesn’t get hampered by obsolete stuff. Something like “security clearance” sounds good, but I can see it being abused like heck.

Maybe the best amendment would be an additional qualification for the office of president, that the candidate must have held at least one publicly elected office, at minimum a state legislature or governorship, or had been elected to congress, or had been appointed to a federal judicial position. No more letting unproven amateurs into the highest office.

Sure, the above would make former mayors ineligible, but I think it’s a fair cutoff. It just means someone like Pete Buttigeig would need to serve a term as state legislator before running.

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That sounds like a nightmare just from a personal perspective.


Surely people who don’t want to sell their properties would inflate the declared value to deter unwanted bids. Or is that a feature not a bug? It would force homeowners to pay extra tax for the privilege of not having to be ready to move out at any moment. Is that what Harberger means by “incentives…for each property to be put to that use in which it has the highest economic productivity”?


You know what happened to Humpty Dumpty, right?

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Perhaps Putin already did.



Golden-plated years, surely.

I’d much rather they be turned into affordable housing projects. Really give him the gears having the disproportionately minority-heavy financially disadvantaged all over his properties.


That’s the joke. It (quaintly) originates in the days when Prince Bush was the worst president worshipped by the rubes since the 19th century.


Heh, also self-quoting from that comment thread:

Welp, then…


Of course this will change some people who might have voted for Trump. Perhaps not an overwhelming number - but it doesn’t have to be an overwhelming number to put the last nail in the coffin of his Presidency.

1%? He’s out. 2% - he a charred grease spot on the floor.


Nah. The story is so important it shouldn’t begin with word salad. We’ve all written stuff hurriedly, and in the excitement to get the news out the opening line was essentially meaningless.

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If his tax filings are accurate and on the up and up, they are proof that he is a terrible, businessman, who regularly loses more money than he makes. Conversely, if he is actually a successful, moneymaking businessman, he is a tax cheat. Of course many of us are convinced that he is a terrible businessman and a tax cheat.


Yup, can be seen already on the Ask Trump Supporters subreddit


that’s a pleasant speculation but the tragedy is how surprising it would be if this moved things by 0.1%. i’m afraid the actual percentage will be more like a rounding error.


If facts had zero influence on people who vote for Trump - he would be polling at his 2016 vote count level - higher actually as there are no third party candidates to speak of.


Trump is really lucky that pensions are exempt from bankruptcy. His Presidential pension is all he’ll have left.


i can hope but one of my cousins, who sometimes complains about fox being pro-biden, has already tweeted memes blaming this on the deep-state and talking about the whole thing being a false flag operation.

i can hope but i’m not holding my breath.


I’ll call your cousin with my brother who voted for Trump last time and is embarrassed with himself now.


Besides the nutty conspiracy theorists there is also the large mass of temporarily embarrassed mbillionaires who will buy his excuse that he’s “just being a smart businessman” (even as these conservatives themselves pay far more than $750 in taxes every year). A large part of his appeal has always been aspirational arseholery. I tend to agree with you that this won’t move the needle much, except perhaps in already blue-leaning states.

These must be the “short guys with yamulkes” he thinks are naturally better with money than Black people.


Couldn’t we all just hire this rather more ‘hard-nosed’ guy to be his ‘accountant’? (In either sense of that word in this context.)