Obama on Sony Hack: "Sony made a mistake," internet needs "more regulation and control"

I just want to point out that “lack of regulation” is not synonymous with “good” or “freedom”. Net neutrality is, for example, a regulation which tells ISPs that they can only treat reg’lar old packet like reg’lar old packets. In the absence of regulation and enforcement by government we would all end up living our lives as a capital investment on a highly poisonous plantation, culled regularly, and kept in line by mercenary “security forces”. Literally. Any equation of our life “under” government to that hellscape is a serious reach.

Pretty much the only way to deal with criminal dirtbags on the internet is to be able to investigate them, find out who they are in the real world, and have some cross-jurisdictional agreements to have local law enforcement do something about their dirt-baggery. I don’t really see how Obama’s comments break away from that.

In this case, it was a document dump, so the dirtbaggery was pretty benign. North Korea is run by dirtbags but if all they do on the internet is expose corporate documents, then we don’t have much to worry about. Something tells me that this kind of operation isn’t really the main thing they do on the internet.

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Politically-connected businesses and government are just two sides of the same coin.

I don’t see how regulating those corporations, if it can be done, is any different from regulating the cops, if it can be done, and bringing back the Bill of Rights.

I think there are cases where police departments have created “private” front corporations to avoid public records laws…?


I vote in all local and national elections, I am careful of how and where I spend my money, and I share stories of abuse with who ever will listen to me, but the leaders of my country still do not bahve in the manner I would like.

Im ready whenever you are to start the revolution.

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So how do you deal with corporate control, like what the big ISPs want instead of Net Neutrality? Because market forces have repeatedly failed without the state helping corporations.

I know I have a few ideas, but you’ll like them even less than the Liberal/Progressive/Democrat ideas.

(I managed to miss out a sentence earlier. Sorry)


Aaaand I’m done listening to you.


It always gives me a chuckle, when I see gun-nut arguments being used on Boing Boing.

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I read Jerome_Chan’s remark as pointing out that US laws only directly affect those in the US, so enacting any proposed regulations would only inconvenience those in the US while not doing anything to address the international concerns which Obama says are the motivation here,

I wonder if the proximity of (Sony) Japan to North Korea a short 650 miles, figures into any of this bowing to North Korea?
North Korea has fired a number of short-range missiles into the Sea of Japan plus they declared in 2009 that it had developed a nuclear weapon, and probably possesses a small stockpile of relatively simple nuclear weapons.
North Korea may also have a chemical and/or biological weapons capability.

“Sony made a mistake killing The Interview”?

You mean. . . “The Interview” is that good?

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Silly! It’s a brilliant plan! We can just make hacking against the regulations!

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Couldn’t the same be said of market forces? I mean, aren’t they just FORCES too?

There’s no “good” in any of the equations…


Use your imagination. First, we need to outlaw encryption unless it has a clipper-like backdoor…

Wow. We raise our kids differently.

I try to teach my kids not to hate. Anything.


If you want to instill hatred, fear, anger, distrust, paranoia, uncertainty, and doubt in your children, feel free to do so, but please do not presume that everyone should raise their children that way, or that everyone has such a nihilistic view of leadership.

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Every being at a position of power will divert most of its resources to maintain and grow that power and the control over it. Its such a common sense thing that you can call it a law of human nature. Breath or don’t at your own discretion.

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More regulations will help a lot when these regulations state that the NSA is no longer allowed to cripple our security software by installing back doors and the like. I may be naive but that is what I understood Obama to mean.


I’m always a bit wary or “Krazy Korean” stories. I know little or nothing about the country and what actually goes on inside its boarders. For all I know it might actually be a workers’ playground led by a beneficent ruler, or it might be LARP Paranoia. They are certainly a great tool in the Western Propaganda Chest.

I think that unless every escapee, expat, and defector has been trained by the ‘western propaganda chest’ to tell the same stories about food shortages, malnutrition, extreme widespread poverty, pervasive government propaganda instilling a cult of leader-worship, and erratic, terrifying behavior on the part of Kim Jong Un, we’ve got a pretty decent idea of what goes on inside its borders.


But I’ve only got the medias word for that. Personally I think North Korea is actually the Terran Base for the Zeta Reticulans. :wink:

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Well, yeah. I mean, unless you go there personally, won’t all of your information on another place in the world come from either someone known to you or from “the media”? If all of the articles, stories, films, photos, and interviews about something say the same thing, why is that something to be distrusted? “The Media” is how we get information.