Obama’s Department of Justice says marijuana as dangerous as heroin

No, he can not legalize it. The US is party to multiple treaties which require us to keep it illegal, and ignoring those, there is still a lengthy process involved with rescheduling and that would have to be followed.


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Federal law (no medical use) vs State law (some states say it’s OK for medical use).

If we’re talking about Obama, we’re talking about Federal law (which overrides state law on this, but Obama has decided to not use the DoJ to go after MM users).

Whatever it is, I want some.

No, on second thought, I really, really don’t want any of that.

Is there a drug out there (besides pure, unadulterated power) that turns reasonable people into raving idiots with an exaggerated sense of self-importance and an endless capacity to rationalize unconscionable decisions?


I agree with this assessment. It should be rescheduled to III or IV if it’s to be scheduled at all.

From what I’ve observed, cocaine seems to do a pretty good job of that.


I have a theory about paperwork being a parasitic life form. The forms apparently exude a neurotoxin with their surfaces, which penetrates skin and cumulates in the body, and people who handle these things for a living, also known as bureaucrats, show exactly these symptoms.


It is also no coincidence that vast numbers of “blah” people have lost their voting rights through the perpetuation of the war on pot and other drugs, as well as the vastly disproportionate arresting of those “blah” people.


yeah, I agree. It’s really hard to do much other than run ones mouth on mobile.

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I’m trying very hard not to smash anything. Not about marijuana specifically (I have never used but support legalization), but about the faux-rage of Obama supposedly bypassing congress whenever it suits him. It is Congress that has chosen not to legislate. If anything the president started out too reserved given a lack of congressional action, even in cases where he does have the authority to act. It took well into his second term before he realized “Oh yeah, they really aren’t going to do anything, are they?”


Treaties are renegotiable.

Sounds like alcohol.


Wait, does this mean that heroin is now only as dangerous as weed?


Or is it the skunk cost fallacy?


Obama has to stay opposed to decriminalising weed so he can be lured into it by the Republicans.
They get to seem progressive and be racist at the same time.

Is there a drug out there (besides pure, unadulterated power) that turns reasonable people into raving idiots with an exaggerated sense of self-importance and an endless capacity to rationalize unconscionable decisions?

Combining cocaine and alcohol can do that. Watched that happen to Hollywood in the '80s.

(Of course, it seems to work best if everyone around you is doing coke, too.)

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On what basis do they even care about these things? And if the reason is something like “public health or safety or welfare,” then why don’t we have universal healthcare on the same basis?

The truth about marijuana:



After all of the posturing in front of the camera, at the end of the day there’s no blue or red in Washington, only green.

BoingBoing: Hitler was a meth head

OTOH, you did specify “turns reasonable people”, and I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the starting point here.


A better way to interpret this is a systematic decriminalization of heroin and weed while still acknowledging the harmful effects of both drugs.