Oculus VR could have changed business reality, but they let Facebook stop them

Do you have text or links that actually lays out what the objections are (rather than the meta-converation that’s going on here)?

Sure, there are links/sources in my post above here.

This just scratches the surface. Search engines will garner you much more if you’re interested in filtering through the P.R. corporatist drivel that’s already infesting search results like a disease.

Nobody forced Oculus to sell

Ok, but where did I say that?

Therefore this IS their idea of success.

Like I already said, your idea of success (and theirs) may be very different than what many of the rest of us think it is.

People paid them to launch a product.

It was much more than that. You’re resorting to gross over-simplification. A common tactic of an apologist for unethical, corporate behavior, by the way.

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From your own article: >“No one knows how Facebook will influence the Rift development, maybe something good will come out of it eventually,” added backer Mat.

I’ve spent the last 12 hours figuring out how I feel about this. Other people have too. Even Notch! But EVERY QUOTE YOU HAVE SOURCED has been pure FUD. Even Notch’s quote can be summed up as “I don’t trust 'em”.

Which is fine, I get that, but everyone who contributed to their Kickstarter trusted them with their money. It seems Facebook does, too.

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Honest question: How is this unethical? Be precise.


Prove it. You continue to make wild claims without any backup. Sorry, but SCREAMING in all caps doesn’t prove jack shit. It simply doesn’t cut it for those of us with critical thinking skills, anyway.

Which is fine, I get that, but everyone who contributed to their Kickstarter trusted them with their money.

And, they betrayed that trust.

It seems Facebook does, too.

Pucker up.

Mod note: Take a breath guys.


You mean are trapped using it because their mom, dad, cousins, old high school friends, etc. ONLY use it and that’s the one way we have to get in touch with them?

I’ve suspended my FB account at least three times. Like a bad girlfriend, I always go back because it is the only online place significant numbers of family, friends, and a couple of in-person groups I know are willing to use for online communication. I’m trapped by the network effect.


Honest question: How is this unethical? Be precise.

Honest question. Did you really read all those sources I gave you? Be precise.

In the meantime, please go read the sources I gave you. There you will find many precise reasons why selling out to Facebook in the manner that they did is considered unethical by an entire community of funders and developers… not just me.

Then again, unless they agree with you, I suppose this entire community that are upset are nothing more than knee-jerk FUD merchants bent on blindly lashing out for no other reason than that they are all idiots. So, what’s the use, huh?


Of course I am going to “oversimplify”. I am not going to pen an essay on capitalist theory in the gaming marketplace just to win a stupid argument over whether or not Facebook is capital-E evil.

I understand that people are upset, but right now there is little evidence to support the conclusion that the Rift is ruined… Tainted, perhaps, but not ruined.

And excuse me if I don’t back up my claim that the vast majority of the arguments have been purely emotional, although to be cheeky I suppose I could just submit this entire thread: lots of hurt and anger, but no concrete facts to support the inferences.

I also refute the claim that this perspective makes me a “shill”. Trust me, I bummed and conflicted about this, but it happened and we should all take a step back and see what follows.

Rock over London, Rock on Chicago. I’m outta here.

It’s a trap! He’s poisoned the air!

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I always go back because it is the only online place significant numbers of family, friends, and a couple of in-person groups I know are willing to use for online communication.

Sounds like a significant number of your family, friends and in-person groups you know should seriously consider expanding their communication horizons and you could possibly lead the way if you have any influence over them.

Many families, etc. choose to share their photos on Facebook because no one has educated them on alternatives and why they should use them. Maybe that’s your calling? :wink:

No, they choose to do it because everybody they know is also on Facebook. It’s not just about “Hey, you guys should be using Google+ (or whatever)” - it’s “Hey, you guys should be using Google+… And also Facebook until you can convince all the people that YOU interact with on Facebook to use Google+ too”.

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Mod note: Take a breath guys.

It’s a trap! He’s poisoned the air!

Oh my God… you’re right!! What’s that smell in the air!!! I’m starting to feel kind of dizzy… not sure what’s going on… um, dude, I think I’m going to play some music now and eat some snacks…

That isn’t going to happen. They have no interest in going anywhere else.

No, they choose to do it because everybody they know is also on Facebook.

An over-simplification. It’s symbiotic.

Nearly every person I know started using Facebook for a reason. And, it was to look at photos of their ex’s, family, friends, colleagues, enemies, etc. - Many stay there because they don’t know of alternatives. But, that’s changing, my friend. That’s changing…


Based on what I’ve observed, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that the migration is moving especially toward photo-based sites, should I? Of course, wherever Facebook can’t innovate, they just borg it. Sound familiar?

I’d rather give money to an American corporate behemoth than a Japanese one, but I’m an American.

I’d certainly rather give money to Facebook than to Exxon.

“Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds hopes.”


That isn’t going to happen. They have no interest in going anywhere else.

I may very well be wrong, but it doesn’t sound like you’ve tried. I have and many people are willing to do it. Then again, I may be blessed to have a more flexible group around me. The ones that don’t are increasingly feeling isolated as more move away and there’s also starting to be more of an awareness of how social media can make one depressed (source, source, source, source, source). People are slowly coming around to alternatives including radical things like putting down the online gadgets, picking up a phone and seeing people in person (when possible).


And excuse me if I don’t back up my claim

Then please don’t be hypocritical and ask me to back up mine (which I did for you anyway).

Rock over London, Rock on Chicago. I’m outta here.

Wesley Willis would not approve.

So what is your suggested, high ease of use, platform that allows for group messaging, individual messaging, photo sharing, games, and a river of news stream that my 62 year old mother, my 85 year old grandmother, my aunts, uncles, etc. are all willing to use? None of them older than my generation are vaguely tech saavy (unlike my cousins, my daughter, and others). They aren’t going to go to three or more different services for these things.

For me, I use twitter for almost all of my social networking and use flickr for photos. I still use email, email lists, and IRC. :slight_smile: