Odd, rare, weird, or fascinating musical instruments

It’s got a very jazzy sound to it. Like playing with the smallest mute. I’m actually quite surprised a plastic bone sounds so good.

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I’m pretty sure it’s just a mockup for Dr. Seuss. Looks like a bam-biggler, or maybe a flob-floobler.

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Tenor dulcian and Baroque rackett:

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Eta - All the talk of unusual reed instruments got me thinking of these guys. @japhroaig do the pipes they’re playing really exist?

I’ve had this Ibanez/SoundGear 5 string bass for less than a year. I restrung it and tightened everything down recently, and it’s playing like a new bass. If only I could be playing like I did 20 years ago.

This is an ongoing project. Anyway it’s not the bass’ fault anymore.

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@japhroaig does the Celtic stuff, did he say? Bombarde and biniou.

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I have a bombard around here somewhere… Talk about hard reeds to find.

God, to me that is just Happy Music. It makes me want to awkwardly dance around the room. I’ve also never heard a chanter that high in pitch, it must be a bear to play.

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@japhroaig - when are you gonna start playing the akadinda?

Not sure my fingers are small enough for a biniou. This is the traditional Breton pairing: bombarde taking the fundamental, biniou doubling at the octave, with the biniou’s drone pipe taking an octave below the bombarde.

Edit: Hmm… I’m getting indications that a chanter reed (Highland pipes) is a suitable replacement.

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Another interesting oddball wind instrument is the Bulgarian kaba gaida, the predecessor to the Scottish bagpipes. It has a ‘wilder’ sound and is often played in a group to create an effect similar to “a swarm of bees”, I’ve read.

I love bagpipes, and if I were to ever learn a set, it’d be the uilleann pipes, which need no blowing whatsoever, just a lot of arm-pumping. The crazy mechanism they use is amazing to watch.

I’ll see your kaba gaida and raise you a zampogna:

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I have never seen one of those before, and while I go hunt for odd pipes on YouTube and Google, I will leave a Scottish smallpipe played by Mike Katz in the mean time.

Is… is that an entire goat he’s playing?? Amazing!


Don’t think that would appeal so much- maybe a bit too baroque?

An organistrum, on the other hand…

Has the wheelharp been mentioned here yet?:


I know I’ve posted the following photo on some thread here before. This was one of the performers at a local concert last year of the Zedashe Ensemble from The Republic of Georgia:

The instrument apparently uses the shape and orifices of a sheep’s stomach to the best musical advantage.


Sure enough bleats like one, doesn’t it? :smiley:

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Why doesn’t Amanda Palmer have one of these? It seems like she should…