the last year i taught 6th grade math, which gets tested every year, we gave a total of three benchmark tests to help us determine where deficiencies were. i had one student that year who got 3 out of 42 questions correct on the first one, 7 out of 50 on the second one, and 4 out of 48 on the third one for a cumulative 14 out of 140 questions. with a confidence interval of 90% a student picking at random should have been able to get 35 +/- 10 questions correct. i had never before or since encountered such a poor guesser as that student.
made me aa little punchy, that did.
Fatto basutādo: Watashi no hara ni haitte!
“…there are no known injuries on record to have come about as a result of using this invention.”
On record.
Free mold!
creative survivalist
Is that oxymoron I’m smelling?
I dislike Pocahontas, the artist did not choose well on her cheekbones.
Peter Pan and Frida Kahlo’s AI sources got mixed up.
A decline in the global donkey population and surge in their popularity amongst livestock owners has seen the price of asses skyrocket.
Talk about assets!