Odd Stuff (Part 3)

Oh, good! There were no kitties there. Can’t wait to hear the results!
Fill a half pint mason jar with dried, crushed catnip.
Fill with alcohol (I used everclear, but I think rubbing alcohol would work, too, and is more drinkable :joy:)
Tightly close the jar and put on a shelf in a cool-ish dark place for 6 weeks. Shake the jar every day that you remember.
Pour the infusion through a cheesecloth or tea strainer. This is the base. It will be green.
I tried 2 versions:

  1. I diluted the base 1:1 with water.
  2. Kept the base undiluted.

To both I added about 5-10 drops each of peppermint, lavender, and rosemary essential oils.

The undiluted version worked best, but both worked. I used a spray bottle for the diluted kind, which, the spray bottle didn’t work very well. Used a dropper bottle for the undiluted kind, which worked great.
Currently testing it in ME, seems to be working :crossed_fingers:
(I just put some on as the mozzies are coming out, and as I was typing, one landed on my arm, walked around looking for a place to snack, then left w/o biting me. That srsly never happens to me, so, there you go! I’m a convert.

ETA- @Kii :heart: