Odd Stuff (Part 5)

They don’t hunt foxes anymore anyway. They follow a scent trail laid by a neighbor/s on bikes or by staff, or they follow a long-distance runner whom hounds meet (and sniff!) that morning.

That ‘minority’ bs is bs.


So it is essentially a live action “Where’s Waldo” for the snotty rich?


“tally ho and catch that red-striped son-of-a-b*tch!”


Maybe that is some other group? It sure sounds like this group is killing wildlife

In the video, Swales said: “We see it as a really important part of wildlife management … We’re actually doing people a service. We’re picking up the foxes or the hares or the deer or the rabbits that are either old, they’ve got no teeth, they can die of starvation, or they’ve got the disease, or they’re just not adapted to outperforming a dog in that chase. So we’re happy with that natural selectivity.”


A cheap, family friendly way to catch drunken fistfights in person


Many rich horsefolk have treated me and mom w/only friendly kindness. They were doctors, lawyers, politicians, biznessfolk, etc who also told us the best dirty jokes. We even met a Scottish lord. They also pointed out the V few snobs and phonies which were best avoided. They avoided 'em, too!

St Ann Polo Club in Jamaica, the world’s longest-lived such establishment, welcomes one and all. Friendly experts insist on sitting with non-horsey tourists to explain everything.

We went to the very exclusive Kingston Polo Club, for the yearly match between Jamaican and UK teams, after everyone at St Ann had insisted we go. We knew we had to see that spectacle, esp after Jamaican players quietly informed us of a dastardly plan which was afoot. The night before, they’d be taking the Brits to a club in Kingston where they would be subjected to (too) much overproof rum. tophat-biggrin

After the match, we had a pleasant surprise at the clubhouse. Someone we barely even knew put us - and our newly-arrived friend whom they’d never met - and all our attempted tips on their tab.


Wonder how long until this bit goes to the streaming and such:

Chuck E. Cheese said the membership can only be canceled after the first year is completed

Feels like they’re going for the “gym” model where you forget about it.


I’m only aware of foxhunts who now do drag or trail hunts, as the method I described is termed. Foxhunting’s the only type I’m at all familiar with, mostly thru old books. And y00t00b of course.

Bonus: No foxhunter calls a hound a dog.


That kind of “hunting” actually sounds like it might be fun for the people, horses, and hounds without injuring or killing wild animals.

Good to know! So this group claiming minority status sound even more like hopeless gits.


It doubtless adds a certain exciting frisson to the fun of riding across country w/friends. Not to mention speed!

The tallest fence I’ve taken during lessons was a little over 3 ft 6. Were I to have tried cross country jumping even at my ahem peak, I could’ve only handled dinky CC obstacles, and need what’s known as A Flying Armchair - a kindly beastie who takes care of the rider, 'steada offering a um, challenge.

When asked whether I’d ever ridden to hounds by a dear friend, I said, “Well…” and indicated her two pet puppers who’d chosen to join us. Having a friend’s puppers accompany us made it all surprisingly more enjoyable. It was such fun watching them running alongside us, dashing ahead, leaping into bushes to play w/each other, running circles around us. They were good friends w/her horses, who also amusedly watched their antics.


The local hunt goes after foxes and coyotes.


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Most American hunts do not kill their “quarry,” just exercise 'em.

Many masters feed the foxes in their area during winter, dose the food w/wormers at certain times of the year, lace it w/medications for readily diagnosed minor illnesses, and capture sick/injured ones & take them for vet care.


Lookit the enrichment what the tube of you has seen fit to recommend for my enclosure!

Who else will practice that curious dance move he uses to effect ingress ???

Dammit, forgot to mention there are English subtitles


That’s ftom Hepskukkuu (funny way to say hello).

Another one of their bits was for a moment the most-watched YouTube video in 2007.


Charlie Brooker gives his most dire warning yet

This is going to sound so tragic, but right now there’s a game called Balatro . It’s like poker, and it’s possibly the most addictive thing ever created. It’s currently on Nintendo Switch and Steam deck, but it’s going to be released on phones, and at that point I think humankind’s activity is going to drop about 25%. I play that in short bursts when I’m writing to reward myself.


I just bought this the other day. Can vouch.