Oklahoma is prosecuting women for smoking legalized medical marijuana

How can we possibly defend this, the prosecution has 30,000 attorneys, all oocytes and spermatozoa! We’ll end up in a super maxi pad!


The idea of treating them as property and separate is very old, though. Considering children as belonging more to the father, and treating the mother as nothing more than a vessel is reflected in laws and judgements made long before that term/phrase was applied to it. It’s just the latest twist on an ancient, twisted set of beliefs.


The state would face a massive class-action lawsuit by every woman who has been pregnant there in the past for dependent and child tax credit tax overpayment.


It is absolutely a dangerous precedent to legally consider the fetus as a person, and yes, I absolutely advocate for a woman’s control of her body. Also, unless there are new studies that I’m aware of, I’ve always been taught that marijuana can negatively impact the development of a fetus. So, yes, she may not have done anything illegal, but it still seems pretty irresponsible and may have consequences for that child’s life.

There’s a huge gap between “being irresponsible” and doing anything that warrants prosecution. For decades Native women have been jailed for being drunk when pregnant, on the pretext that the possibility of fetal alcohol syndrome precluded all other considerations.
Not to forget that women were regularly drinking and smoking all through pregnancy for quite a while before the idea that it was bad for the baby became common thought. Perhaps, along with the leaded gasoline, that can be used to explain a few generations of American behavior.


Yeah, I mean by that measure, shouldn’t we be able to hold the manufacturers of PFAs and lead paint and those who generate smog and all the other things that harm fetal development responsible in the same way OK wants to hold a pregnant mother responsible?
I mean, in the current situation, they’re only trying to hold the pregnant woman responsible, but there are a lot more people out there endangering the fetus, and they’re actually profiting from it.


I have been. And you are right. My imagination is not up to the horror of what is happening.


Profit, great! Profiting from Death, kind of off piste but oddly acceptable when no second-home plan of mine ever involved stocking kinetic weapons. (Not strictly true, I had Open Carry Reentry-Scope Iron Dome notions in the '80s. Wishful thinking and 50 years of optical and laser development have a notable tail but I’m not jumping at the test scenario! Where my Test Service peeps at!?) Profiting from shabby use policies that kill neighbors and likely friends; yeah, I should at some point not wait for the Mother Jones special issue and call it corruption 4 ways.

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